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Links Outside CCL in Forums: Clarification

Friday, September 16, 2011 12:37:58 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: CCL Feature Crew, Forum Admin, Guru, Member, Subscriber, Super Seller
Joined: 6/7/2007 | Posts: 5,215 | Points: 504,876
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Hey CCL-ers, I posted something about this several months back, but I think I need to come in and make some clarification based on some confusion I've seen.

First off, we want to be careful not to discourage forum posting simply on misunderstanding the "rules" of how this works. Joe's the type of rules maker that basically believes we can police ourselves with a simple framework of guidelines and not rules. I'm kind of like that, but that framework needs a good foundation I think.

Second, not all links are ones I consider bad :) If you want to invite people to join your Facebook page, more power to you. We even have portions of the site set aside for convention links, promotion of your comic projects, etc.

Rather than tell you the links that are acceptable, let me give you some examples of links we don't want to see. Here's the BIG 3:

1) Outside links diverting people away from CCL and inviting them to participate on another website for the purpose of purchasing your products. (I.E. EBAY AUCTIONS, CRAIGSLIST ADS, etc.) This includes personal e-mail links, such as "If you're interested, e-mail me at...." *Links in your signature of this nature we don't police.

2) Links to websites that you are connected to on in an official capacity as either a part of the company or affiliated with the company. (I.E. News websites, comic book sites, etc.). If you're quoting a news article, try to quote and source the article without directing linking to it in order to keep the forum thread active on CCL.
*Links in your signature of this nature we don't police.

3) Media links that contact nudity, sexual content and/or foul language. (I.E. YOUTUBE, PHOTOBUCKET, etc) If you wouldn't show your 10-year old, don't show it here.
*Links in your signature of this nature could be scrutinized and asked for removal or editing.

If you have a link that you need clarification on, the safest thing to do is MESSAGE ME BEFORE YOU POST. In the past, I've had people accuse me of not adhering to these rules. That's because CCL can adjust, make and enforce our site and rules as we wish since we own the site.

Moderators that remove links are only trying to police CCL to the best of their ability. That being said, Mods are people too. I can make a mistake with the best of them. If you've posted a link that a mod has removed and need further explanation to that effect, please contact me. Do not go back in the thread and repost the link, whether you are a MOD or a MEMBER. Contact me. Try to remember the BIG picture here is CCL.

On the flip side, here's a link you can use for more specific information on our site: our Terms and Conditions.

If you're concerned your post might fall in this catagory with or without a link, again, feel free to contact me or one of the mods.

Thanks for your time, and as always VIVA CCL! Please message me if you have any questions/comments.

*This is also NOT my September VALIANT'S VOICE: Official Drink of CCL.

Steve Boyd

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747 ext 103
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

Check out my official CCL YouTube show:SUPER MEGA COMIC ACTION NEWS AT MIDNIGHT!
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