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Poll Question: Who wins?

  • Phoenix (Jean Grey)
    4 vote(s)
  • Starhawk
    3 vote(s)
  • Draw
    0 vote(s)

Superhero Showdown 2020 - Battle #3 Phoenix vs Starhawk - VOTE NOW!

Friday, June 12, 2020 4:42:27 PM
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Welcome to the Superhero Showdown!

We would love for you to vote on the character that you think would win this battle based on the character's abilities, the Manager's rationales and the Arena the Battle takes place in.

It would be really cool if you also tell us why you chose either Phoenix or Starhawk!

Here is what you need to know:

SHS: The Draft

SHS: Wild Cards

SHS: Arenas

Hall of Heroes Quote of the Week

"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

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Friday, June 12, 2020 4:44:04 PM
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Here is what has happened so far!

MoonKnight1 wrote:
Phoenix - Marvel


Starhawk - Marvel


This world is almost entirely metallic with gleaming plains, spiraling mountains and seemingly bottomless chasms all covered with technological wonders. The time is after the Autobots and Decepticons have left for Earth leaving only scattered remnants behind.

MoonKnight1 wrote:
I am The One Who Knows!

This Phoenix is known to me as are all who have been infected by the parasitic Phoenix Force. Throughout my lifetime I have encountered many who have been possessed by it.

I have lived my lifetime over and over countless times and am well aware of this malignant entity. This particular battle has been fought many times over and I have emerged triumphant more often that not. Just like the Phoenix, I live, perish and am reborn again. Unlike the Phoenix, I retain my memories of past encounters and can change events in each ensuing encounter. Each time I relive my life cycle I learn and adapt thereby countering my opponents assaults before they even know they are attempting them.

Marvel Database wrote:
Stakar...has extensive knowledge of various civilizations throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.

Indeed. The planet Cybertron is in my sphere of knowledge. I have visited it many times during my millennia of existence. It's cavernous rooms and serpentine passageways suit my purposes well for the past?present?future? battle that is now or soon will be occurring.

The terrestrial Phoenix, Jean Grey, is desperately availing to rid herself of the psionic manifestation of destruction and mayhem. This is Known to us.

I will use this knowledge to my advantage to end this battle decisively.

My speed is superior as I am capable of moving at light speed if needed. I can detect a photon particle from millions of light years away. It is simplicity itself to track the energy of the Phoenix:
Enhanced Senses: His natural senses, especially eyesight, are enhanced to a superhuman degree; in addition, his powers give him extrasensory sensitivity to energy patterns and fluctuations in his environment, and he can track energy trails across intergalactic distances
I use these abilities to defeat my opponent.

I slip silently and swiftly through the labyrinthian matrix of Cybertron, this metallic and sterile world of technological wonder. I use stealth to stalk Phoenix, and use my light constructs to confuse her divided psyche.

Like the villain Mastermind, I use subtle manipulation by showing images of her loved ones - Scott Summers, Logan, Rachel Summers (yet another Phoenix) in dire predicaments caused by her actions. Her psychic powers are strong but she is vulnerable to emotional stress. Jean Grey does not want the Phoenix to control her as evidenced by her second possession by this malevolence.

Phoenix Resurrection

Desperately seeking to merge with Jean again, the Phoenix Force resurrected her and placed her inside a pocket reality inhabited by her colleagues and her loved ones, so to slowly prepare her for their reunion. Jean subconsciously saw through the Phoenix's farce, and caused psychic incidents back in the real world as cries for help. The X-Men investigated this phenomena and eventually located a gateway into this pocket universe in New Mexico. When the mutants arrived, the elderly Logan confronted Jean and managed to snap her out of the Phoenix's illusion and regain her true memories. Fully returned, Jean renounced the Phoenix once and for all, deciding to live life with the pain and loss that naturally comes with it instead of giving in to the Phoenix's temptations of a perfect life.

As easy as it would be to overpower the Phoenix by sheer use of force as my might easily exceeds that of this being I choose instead to deprive it of it's host. Once Jean Grey rejects the symbiotic manifestation then it is only a simple matter to contain it and end this contest.

As The One Who Knows I declare this battle ended. I have foreseen it and lived it and this is the only possible outcome.

comic clint wrote:
Moon would have you believe that Jean is in control--- but she is not. Time and time again we see phoenix go absolutely nuclear and destroy everything in her wake. This is no exception. Sure Jean tries to hold it together for the first part of the fight, but as she continues she realizes that her only chance at survival against this beast is to let the force take control. she knows it will be a very tough battle to get herself back, but she is willing to take that chance... she must see Scott one last time, even if for but a moment. She must get back to the love of her life.
Once she lets the Force take over, the battle is short.
Vote phoenix

Hall of Heroes Quote of the Week

"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

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Friday, June 12, 2020 4:46:46 PM
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Battle ends Sunday Night - 11.59PM WST so vote now!

Hall of Heroes Quote of the Week

"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

Check out my eBay store here: Hall Liquidations
Sunday, June 14, 2020 11:36:37 AM
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The thing here is that we are dealing with two different beings. Jean Grey is an Omega Level Mutant with immense power. The Phoenix Force is a malignant parasite that controls it's host.

When Jean was first possessed by the Phoenix Force she fought valiantly to deny it control over her but eventually succumbed to evil. However, in the end she used her force of will to regain control of her own actions just long enough for her to sacrifice her life for that of her friends.

During the time when Jean and the PF were struggling for dominance Jean was mentally and emotionally manipulated by Mastermind who's mental powers wane in comparison to Jean's. Yet, he still managed to sway her into the Hellfire Club. This shows that Jean can be prone to exploitation by others.

Therefore I propose that Starhawk, with his knowledge of events stemming from having lived his life over and over countless times, Knows these things about Jean and the Phoenix Force and uses his knowledge and his ability to construct light images (Cyclops, Wolverine, Rachel Summers, etc.) to persuade Jean to quell the PF and surrender the battle.

Starhawk wins!!!

Hall of Heroes Quote of the Week

"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

Check out my eBay store here: Hall Liquidations
Sunday, June 14, 2020 2:43:56 PM
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Voting ends at midnight tonight! Get in while you can! Call Me

Hall of Heroes Quote of the Week

"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

Check out my eBay store here: Hall Liquidations
Monday, June 15, 2020 2:40:27 PM
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Hall of Heroes Quote of the Week

"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

Check out my eBay store here: Hall Liquidations
Monday, January 25, 2021 5:32:27 PM
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No draw. Jean Grey wins easy.
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