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CCL's CODE of CONDUCT for the CR 2.0 System - Please read.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:33:09 PM
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Alright, well, now for the less glamourous part of my job.

The new enhanced CR 2.0 BETA is now up and running and accepting not only EDIT ISSUES submissions, but now ADD ISSUES and ADD VARIANTS as well. There's going to be more interaction between approvers, submitters, reviewers and therefore, not everyone is going to agree on stuff. Out of necessity, we have implemented a formal CODE OF CONDUCT for the system.


The CHANGE REQUEST system of Comic Collector Live is the means in which data is accepted, researched and approved or rejected. If approved, the information appears in the master CCL database for all to see.
The data is submitted by any member of the community, and also can be viewed and commented on by any member of the community. There are 3 main factions involved in your submissions:
Submitters - the person adding or editing the data
Reviewers - any member of CCL that views or comments on the data
Approvers - CCL employees as well as certain members of CCL that either approves or rejects the data based on the accuracy of the data.

Due to the high number of submissions and reviews, it has become necessary to implement a CODE OF CONDUCT in the CCL Change Request system. This system will allow users to monitor comments made by anyone in the approval process, and flag the comment as inappropriate based on content. CCL will hold accountable members who do not adhere to CCL's code.
Comments that should be flagged for content should include:

1) Foul language
2) Personal attacks against another CCL member

If a member suspects a comment is a breach of CCL's Code, the member should flag the comment by hitting the 'flag' icon in the box that the member's comment appears in. This information will be sent to CCL employees and reviewed as good or bad.
CCL members that violate the code will be subject to consequences, which could include rights revoking, suspension or possible expulsion from CCL.

Once a comment is flagged for content/abuse by a CCL member, a CCL employee will investigate the incident. A notification will be sent to both parties, making them aware of the investigation.

Approvers who are found in violation of the CCL Conduct Code will be subject to these steps of disciplinary actions:
Step 1) Warning
Step 2) Revoked approval status (This will take away the members right to approve or reject data into the CCL db.
Step 3) Revoked submitter/reviewer status (This will take away the members right to add or edit any data into the CCL db.

Reviewers/Submitters who are found in violation of the CCL Conduct Code will be subject to one of 3 levels of severity.
Step 1) Warning
Step 2) Suspension from affecting data for any length of time as decided upon by CCL.
Step 3) Complete revocation of adding or editing data for good.

CCL considers this Code of Conduct policy, however CCL also reserves the right to make any changes or summary disciplinary it sees fit for any reason.

I would much rather stick to my role as approver extraordinaire than have to police this system, however, please understand that I DO care about CCL and as grand poobah of approvers, first and foremost, my concern is the DATA. That being said, as nice, cool and modest as I am, WOE BE TO YOU should I find you violating these rules. Also, WOE BE TO YOU should you abuse the system. Roles are privledges that can be taken away. It's as simple as that.

Now, I'm glad that's settled. :) Let's go have some fun in CR 2.0 Beta, shall we?


Steve Boyd

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747 ext 103
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

Check out my official CCL YouTube show:SUPER MEGA COMIC ACTION NEWS AT MIDNIGHT!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:46:59 PM
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Thanks Steve!

As we move forward with more and more updates to CR2.0, we need a good set of conduct guidelines. The bottom line is that approvers are given authority by CCL, and should conduct themselves with tactfulness and discretion when interacting with other members of CCL. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

Steve (The_Valiant_One) has full authority over the CR system, and he will be calling the shots. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please direct them to Steve. If you have praise or kudos, by all means direct those comments to me.

Thanks for everything you guys do. This should begin speeding up data entry and updates, and help eliminate much of the frustration that came from the old system. Rock and Roll!!!

Joe Butler
CEO / Founder

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:55:07 PM
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What they said. Big Grin
Settle down beavis.

Rules - binary solo....
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 5:00:12 PM
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Joe wrote:

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please direct them to Steve. If you have praise or kudos, by all means direct those comments to me.

I was wondering who would be the first to feel my wrath...LOL!


Steve Boyd

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747 ext 103
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

Check out my official CCL YouTube show:SUPER MEGA COMIC ACTION NEWS AT MIDNIGHT!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 5:18:07 PM
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009 6:18:31 PM
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Looks good, and-as all Codes of Conduct do--boils down to "Be nice or else."

One thing that I didn't see in there & wasn't sure if you had something in place for: report abuse. That is, users repeatedly reporting comments that aren't COC violations to try to get someone else banned. Obviously it's a hard charge to make stick but if it happens enough to be noticeable there should be consequences. Maybe something like "Users abusing the flag option (unnecessarily or deliberately flagging comments that do not violate the COC) may find themselves under disciplinary review as well, based on the severity of the abuse."

It's always good to keep 'em honest...
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 6:46:03 PM
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I've seen this kind of behaviour at other sites and it's not only irritating to the person who is being flagged out of spite, but depending on how click happy the 'flagger' is can cause real headaches for the site admins.
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There is only One who is fit to judge me. It most definetely isn't YOU.
Take it upon yourself to judge me... and you damn yourself by declaring you are greater than the One.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:07:12 PM
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The_Valiant_One wrote:
Joe wrote:

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please direct them to Steve. If you have praise or kudos, by all means direct those comments to me.

I was wondering who would be the first to feel my wrath...LOL!


Batman007 wrote:

Rolling on the Floor Rolling on the Floor Rolling on the Floor Rolling on the Floor Rolling on the Floor

Let's hope this isn't too foreshadowing!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 8:25:40 PM
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Xylob wrote:
I've seen this kind of behaviour at other sites and it's not only irritating to the person who is being flagged out of spite, but depending on how click happy the 'flagger' is can cause real headaches for the site admins.

Yup - we booted a guy off our our MINI Cooper site for repeatedly breaking rules and being a consistent PITA.

Let's just hope he's not a comic collector!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 8:59:31 PM
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mwalsh72 wrote:
Looks good, and-as all Codes of Conduct do--boils down to "Be nice or else."

One thing that I didn't see in there & wasn't sure if you had something in place for: report abuse. That is, users repeatedly reporting comments that aren't COC violations to try to get someone else banned. Obviously it's a hard charge to make stick but if it happens enough to be noticeable there should be consequences. Maybe something like "Users abusing the flag option (unnecessarily or deliberately flagging comments that do not violate the COC) may find themselves under disciplinary review as well, based on the severity of the abuse."

It's always good to keep 'em honest...

Fortunately, I was forward-thinking with my hullabalutions and built the "Report Abuse" feature as a task that can be denied. Meaning, you keep sending pain signals to the brain and you get your nerve cut.
Settle down beavis.

Rules - binary solo....
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:38:14 PM
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MrMiracle wrote:
mwalsh72 wrote:
Looks good, and-as all Codes of Conduct do--boils down to "Be nice or else."

One thing that I didn't see in there & wasn't sure if you had something in place for: report abuse. That is, users repeatedly reporting comments that aren't COC violations to try to get someone else banned. Obviously it's a hard charge to make stick but if it happens enough to be noticeable there should be consequences. Maybe something like "Users abusing the flag option (unnecessarily or deliberately flagging comments that do not violate the COC) may find themselves under disciplinary review as well, based on the severity of the abuse."

It's always good to keep 'em honest...

Fortunately, I was forward-thinking with my hullabalutions and built the "Report Abuse" feature as a task that can be denied. Meaning, you keep sending pain signals to the brain and you get your nerve cut.

And that's why you are the man.Applause

BTW, I love the word "hullabalutions"...
Thursday, January 08, 2009 11:06:48 AM
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Mr Miracle's ultra power? Always two steps ahead of the game and three steps ahead of everyone playing. Applause

Steve Boyd

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747 ext 103
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

Check out my official CCL YouTube show:SUPER MEGA COMIC ACTION NEWS AT MIDNIGHT!
Thursday, January 08, 2009 1:44:13 PM
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Well I for one am glad to see this put into play, and I'm sure just like in other forums I've been in for yrs it'll work the same way. Kudo's to you CCL guys who are constantly working your tails off to keep us a bunch of happy campers.
You Gotta Go Here

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Our Little Binga
Thursday, January 08, 2009 2:06:38 PM
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Just like it should be ! Respect all & show your class!
Thursday, February 05, 2009 2:09:27 AM
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The_Valiant_One wrote:
CCL also reserves the right to make any changes or summary disciplinary it sees fit for any reason.

The old Article 99
I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice.

I don't want EVERYTHING, just ONE of everthing will do nicely.
Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:07:01 PM
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a_Kid_4_life wrote:
Just like it should be ! Respect all & show your class!

That would be best, of course, but it would only work for those that would do that anyway.
Settle down beavis.

Rules - binary solo....
Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:30:58 PM
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MrMiracle wrote:
a_Kid_4_life wrote:
Just like it should be ! Respect all & show your class!

That would be best, of course, but it would only work for those that would do that anyway.
You might not want some of us to show our class. It's more a matter of show class even if you don't have any.

The following stores are all stores that I've dealt with or have become friends with through the forums and I highly recommend them all.
Comics Castle-AKA Pat McCauslin
Alpha Comics--ComicVortex--Comic Cellar--Hall of Heroes--Swifty's Olde Tyme Comic Shoppe

Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:55:04 PM
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LOL seems there are times all of our monitors seem to block out the cl in words so we show what we see then we show what we can be. dang that almost rhymed
You Gotta Go Here

If you can help with anything please check this out

Our Little Binga
Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:55:55 PM
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this is good for all of us though
You Gotta Go Here

If you can help with anything please check this out

Our Little Binga
Saturday, July 03, 2021 1:42:48 PM
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That sounds good
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