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Sunday, December 30, 2007 12:00:40 AM
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The Abomination
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Real Name: Emil Blonsky
Aliases: Agent R-7, the Ravager of Worlds
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Professional Criminal, Former Spy
Citizenship: Yugoslavia
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Known Relatives: Nadia Dornova Blonsky (wife, divorced)
Group Affiliations: Ally of the Abominations and the Forgotten; Formerly partner of the Rhino, crew of the starship Andromeda, agent of the Galaxy Master, and MODOK.
Known Allies:
Known Enemies: Hulk
Education: Unrevealed
1st Appearance: Tales to Astonish #90 (1967)
Origin: Tales to Astonish #90 (1967)
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 980 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: None

Blonsky's transformation into the Abomination substantially increased his strength and durability. Like the Hulk, the Abomination can use his superhumanly strong leg muscles to leap great distances, covering miles in a single bound. The Abomination has vast physical strength.

Unlike the Hulk, the Abomination's transformation has proved stable: he cannot change back and forth between his human state and his superhuman state, despite his wishes to the contrary. Though the Abomination has proven able to regenerate lost eyes and recover from other forms of massive cellular damage, his ability to regenerate tissue is much slower than that of the Hulk. One possible explanation for this is that the Hulk's remarkable regenerative abilities increases in efficiency as he becomes enraged, much like his strength. The Abomination is resistant to extremes of temperature, and can hold his breath for extended periods of time; in the case of lack of air or heat, he may enter a coma-like state of suspended animation

Formerly known as Emil Blonsky, a spy of Soviet Yugoslavian origin working for the KGB, the Abomination gained his powers after receiving a dose of gamma radiation similar to that which transformed Bruce Banner into the incredible Hulk. As a result he was permanently transformed into a massive green-skinned monster whose physical power was equivalent to, if not greater than, that of the Hulk. While he was able to maintain his normal level of self-control and intelligence after this transformation, he is unable to return to human form.
Given his gamma-spawned origins, Blonsky blames his condition on Banner and his alter ego, the Hulk. The Abomination and the Hulk have clashed on numerous occasions, with Blonsky perpetually playing the role of the aggressor. Although Blonsky occasionally gains the upper hand in their battles, the Hulk manages to triumph in the end. But not always; the Abomination is one of the few who can lay claim to victory over the green-skinned goliath.

In recent years, it was revealed that his hideous new visage had served to alienate Blonsky from his ex-wife, Nadia. Coupled with constant defeats at the hands of the Hulk, this has driven Blonsky nearly insane in his hatred for Banner. The Abomination also grew incensed upon learning that Banner had married Betty Ross, the daughter of General "Thunderbolt" Ross. With the loss of his wife, Blonsky figured it is only fair to him that Banner should lose Betty. Out of jealousy, he caused the apparent death of Bruce Banner's wife Betty. While she was recovering from radiation sickness caused by exposure to the gamma radiation within Banner, he poisoned her with his radioactive blood, causing Banner and his associates to believe that her close proximity to the Hulk had given her a fatal case of radiation poisoning. Banner later exposed the Abomination's role in Betty's seeming death, and defeated him in combat.

Not only had his grand scheme failed, but Banner also forgave Blonsky. The Abomination could not comprehend and endure his enemy's absolution, and his moment of triumph was twisted into crushing defeat. Blonsky realized he had become what he abhorred the most - it was he who was the rampaging, inhuman monster; not the Hulk as he had religiously believed all these years.

Months later, the still-grieving General Ross manipulated the Hulk into attacking and almost killing Blonsky. The Abomination was taken into custody by the military; as punishment, he was forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost.

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Monday, November 20, 2023 10:21:23 PM
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Joined: 11/1/2006 | Posts: 5 | Points: 15
Thank you for the movie summary of The Abomination. Abomination has greatly increased his strength and durability. Very surprising
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