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Monday, November 17, 2014 10:06:32 AM
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DC's big Convergence cross over event that's taking place during the company's move to the west coast has started to be announced. While I'm not a huge fan of event stories, I am a huge fan of multiverse stories, so I think I'm looking forward to these. Here's a look at the first week of book's from DC's website:

DC Comics wrote:
Last week we announced CONVERGENCE, the massively Multiversal crossover event that kicks off in April. Well, bit by bit we’re learning more about it. Today, CBR and io9 announced the first week of miniseries, complete with creative teams and very intriguing imagery. Set in the pre-Flashpoint DC Universe, these miniseries offer us glimpses of heroes from not too long ago including Stephanie Brown’s Batgirl, Wally West’s Flash, Renee Montoya’s Question, Barbara Gordon’s Oracle and a classic-suited Harley Quinn. Longtime fans will also want to take note of the creative teams, which include many of the same writers and artists who made these versions of the characters famous. Can you say Greg Rucka?!

Check out the art, teams and synopses below. Look for issue #1 of these two-issue miniseries to land in shops on April 8th, with issue #2 following on May 6th.


Writer: Dan Jurgens

Artist Lee Weeks and Dan Jurgens/Norm Rapmund

Superman and Lois deal with the impending birth of their child as he is called in to protect the city.


Writer: Tom Peyer

Artist: Steve Yeowell / Andy Owens

Ray Palmer finds that Ryan Choi is still alive. Together, they meet and confront Deathstroke, the man responsible for “killing” Choi, before fighting the invading Extremists.


Writer: Alisa Kwitney

Artist: Rick Leonardi and Mark Pennington

After a year in the dome, Stephanie Brown is not sure she wants to be Batgirl again. But when Flashpoint Catman attacks, Red Robin and Black Bat call her back into service.


Writer: Gail Simone

Artist: Jan Duursema and Dan Parsons

Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon reevaluate their relationship under the dome (wedding!), but Flashpoint Hawkman and Hawkwoman attack, and everything changes.


Writer: Tony Bedard

Artist: Tom Grummett and Sean Parsons

Wally West and his kids are separated from Linda, which was bad enough, but when the dome falls, Flashpoint Wonder Woman comes for them.


Writer: Fabian Nicieza

Artist: Ron Wagner and Jose Marzan

Starfire and Donna Troy come to get Roy Harper who has gone into seclusion since the death of his child and loss of his arm, but then Arsenal has to choose between his team and resurrecting his dead daughter.


Writer: Frank Tieri

Artist: Vicente Cifuentes

When Supergirl, Zatanna, and Jade went to Jessie Quick's baby shower, they didn't expect to be taken to another planet for a year, or to be attacked by Flashpoint Aquaman.


Writer: Greg Rucka

Artist: Cully Hamner

Two-Face is fighting another world's Harvey Dent, and it's up to Renee Montoya as the Question to help him beat the odds.


Writer: Ron Marz

Artist: Denys Cowan and Klaus Janson

Bruce Wayne and Damian have friction with Red Hood before the Extremists attack.


Writer: Steve Pugh

Artist: Phil Winslade and John Dell

Harley Quinn is enjoying her normal life under the dome until Catwoman and Poison Ivy draft her to fight Captain Carrot.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:35:02 AM
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Here's another 5 books. At least 3 of them have some kind of tie to the Kingdom Come storyline.

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Artist: Karl Moline and Jose Marzan Jr, with color by Hi-Fi
Has Kon-El earned the right to be the man of steel? Kon will have to prove his mettle in battle against the Superman of Kingdom Come! But what if the only way to save Metropolis is to lose the fight?

Writer: Justin Gray
Artist: Ron Randall, with color by Gabe Eltaeb
A year under the dome can change anyone, even Catwoman. She's set aside her life of crime to become the protector of Suicide Slum, but when the dome falls she will face her greatest challenge—Kingdom Come Batman.

Writer: Christy Marx
Artist: Rags Morales and Claude St-Aubin, with color by Nei Ruffino
Oliver Queen meets Connor Hawke for the first time, but is he ready to hand over the Green Arrow mantle to his son?

Writer: Frank Tieri
Artist: Tom Mandrake, with color by Sian Mandrake
When Kingdom Come's floating fortress of New Oa threatens Metropolis, it’s up to Amanda Waller to put together a team of the city’s deadliest villains to stop it.

Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Philip Tan and Jason Paz, with color by Elmer Santos
A year ago, Batman got trapped in Metropolis when hunting down Azrael. Now he must team with the man that replaced him, and see how differently they operate as Batmans.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:43:10 AM
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And more books form the second wave of Convergence books. More mentions of Kingdom Come, plus Wildstorm characters and Parallax.

(Writer: Louise Simonson; Artist: June Brigman and Roy Richardson, with color by John Rauch)
Metropolis was taken when Superman was missing, so it’s up to Steel to guard the city from the heroes of GEN13 in his absence.

(Writer: Ron Marz; Artist: Mike Manley, with color by Sotocolor)
The levity of the JLI team collides with the severity of the world of Kingdom Come.

(Writer: Keith Giffen; Artist: Ramon Bachs, with color by Hi-Fi)
What do Supergirl, Lady Quark, and Ambush Bug have in common? Well... nothing really. But that didn't stop us from sticking them in a story together. You are SO welcome.

(Writer: Tony Bedard; Artist: Cliff Richards, with color by John Rauch)
Trapped in the domed city, Aquaman struggles with the loss of his hand as he confronts a deadly adversary—Deathblow.

(Writer: Tony Bedard; Artist: Ron Wagner and Bill Reinhold, with color by Paul Mounts)
Rookie Green Lantern Kyle Rayner gears up to battle invaders, but is he ready to fight Hal Jordan, also known as Parallax?
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:23:48 AM
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It looks cool and I'll definitely be buying this. But don't bet on it bringing back the old DC Universe like so many bitter fanboys keep saying. This story is just a stop-gap to fill the time while DC Comics moves their base of operations from the East Coast to the West Coast. And New 52 has enough time and effort invested into it, that I seriously doubt DC would take a step backwards.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:08:18 PM
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BurningDoom wrote:
It looks cool and I'll definitely be buying this. But don't bet on it bringing back the old DC Universe like so many bitter fanboys keep saying. This story is just a stop-gap to fill the time while DC Comics moves their base of operations from the East Coast to the West Coast. And New 52 has enough time and effort invested into it, that I seriously doubt DC would take a step backwards.

Agreed. I think they are saying that it will impact the NEW 52 in some way, or at least tie into it. The recent stuff with brainiac in Futures End ties in somehow.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:32:29 PM
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I'll likely pick up my usual pieces --- Batgirl (Steph! Yisss!), Supergirl and Harley. Maybe Oracle/Nightwing, and probably Catwoman. Nice to see AzBats back. LOL.

Hopefully, this might MIGHT be a way for them to bring some of the clamoured-for characters into the N52 (I would say, like Stephanie, but she's been in Batman Eternal as Spoiler ... I dunno. Dual Stephanies?)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:37:46 PM
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Time travel? Alternate realities?
Where's Booster Gold?!?!?!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:51:00 PM
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^ Working on his next Soder Cola deal.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:38:06 PM
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Big Grin
Don't forget Sun Dollar Coffee!
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Sunday, December 21, 2014 2:13:53 PM
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Hi all first time posting here. I am looking forward to all of this Happy
Sunday, December 21, 2014 2:29:35 PM
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Sunday, December 21, 2014 3:23:49 PM
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A few more convergence books for you:

Writer: Marc Andreyko
Artist: Carlos D’Anda
Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb

After a year under the dome, the Outsiders have gone their separate ways, but when OMAC attacks, Batman must find out if they have what it takes to still be a team.

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artists: Roberto Viacava and Andy Owens
Colorist: Sotocolor

Superman and Supergirl try to escape the city through the Phantom Zone, but they enter a portion they’ve never seen before and learn that Supergirl is destined to die if they return to their proper time and dimension. True story.

Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Federico Dallocchio
Colorist: Veronica Gandini

Trapped in Gotham, Barry Allen has nowhere to run. He fights on, seeking justice as well as a way to save the city. But he faces a Tangent Universe foe that thinks faster than the Flash could ever move.

Writer: Larry Hama
Art and Color: Josh Middleton

White-jumpsuit-clad Diana Prince is in the grips of a Domesday cult when her lover Steve Trevor leaps into the fray to save Etta Candy from vampires of Red Rain.

Writer: David Gallaher
Artists: Steve Ellis and Ande Parks
Colorist: Hi-Fi

Say the Oath, save the world! If only being the Green Lantern Corps was that easy. Hal has resigned, John is busy, and Guy is (banned). Together for the first time—they'll save Gotham or die trying.

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Artist: ChrisCross
Colorist: Snakebite Cortez

With their heavy hitters sidelined, Elongated Man must lead the much-maligned "Detroit Justice League" against the overwhelming power of the heroes from the Tangent Universe!

Writer: Stuart Moore
Artists: Gus Storms and Mark Farmer
Colorist: John Rauch

While Brainiac 5 struggles to break through the dome, Superboy tries to keep the Legion of Super-Heroes spirits up—but then the Atomic Knights ride into town.

Writer: Len Wein
Artist: Kelley Jones
Colorist: Michelle Madsen

Swamp Thing struggles to survive when the dome cuts off his contact with the Green.

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artists: Nicola Scott and Marc Deering
Colorist: Jeromy Cox

Titans Together! Fighting against the might of the Tangent Universe's Doom Patrol, we are reminded why this is the greatest Titans team of all.

Writer: Jeff Parker
Artists: Tim Truman and Enrique Alcatena
Colorist: John Kalisz

Hawkman and Hawkgirl put their Shadow War on hold as they face the anthropomorphic might of rat-men and bat-men in the deadly land of Kamandi!
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:59:49 PM
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The full slate of post-Convergence titles has been officially released. The new line up consists of 25 continuing titles and 24 new titles for a grand total of 49 books. Here's what DC has coming:

Continuing Titles form The New 52:
Action Comics by Greg Pak, Aaron Kuder

Aquaman by Cullen Bunn, Trevor McCarthy

Batgirl by Cameron Stewart & Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr

Batman by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo

Batman/Superman by Greg Pak, Ardian Syaf

Detective Comics by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccelato

Catwomam by Genevieve Valentine, David Messina

Deathstroke by Tony S. Daniel

The Flash by Robert Venditti & Van Jensen, Brett Booth

Gotham Academy by Becky Cloonan & Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl

Gotham By Midnight by Ray Fawkes, Juan Ferreyra

Grayson by Tom King & Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin

Green Arrow by Ben Percy, Patrick Zircher

Green Lantern by Robert Venditti, Billy Tan

Harley Quinn by Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner, Chad Hardin

Justice League by Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok

Justice League United by NA

Lobo by Cullen Bunn, Cliff Richards

New Suicide Squad by Sean Ryan, Carlos D’Anda

Secret Six by Gail Simone, Dale Eaglesham

Sinestro by Cullen Bunn, Bradley Walker

Superman by Gene Luen Yang, John Romita, Jr.

Superman/Wonder Woman by Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke

Teen Titans by Will Pfeifer, Kenneth Rocafort

Wonder Woman by Meredith Finch, David Finch

New Titles:
Batman Beyond by Dan Jurgens, Bernard Chang

Bat-Mite by Dan Jurgens, Corin Howell

Bizarro by Heath Corson, Gustavo Duarte

Black Canary by Brenden Fletcher, Annie Wu

Constantine: The Hellblazer by Ming Doyle, Riley Rossmo

Cyborg by David Walker, Ivan Reis

Dark Universe by James Tynion IV, Ming Doyle

Doomed by Scott Lobdell, Javier Fernandez

Dr. Fate by Paul Levitz, Sonny Liew

Earth 2: Society by Daniel Wilson, Jorge Jimenez

Green Lantern: Lost Army by Cullen Bunn, Jesus Saiz & Javi Pina

Harley Quinn/Power Girl by Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner & Justin Gray, Stephane Roux

Justice League 3001 by Keith Giffen, Howard Porter

Justice League of America by Bryan Hitch

Martian Manhunter by Rob Williams, Ben Oliver

Midnighter by Steve Orlando, ACO

Mystic U by Alisa Kwitney, NA

Omega Men by Tom King, Alec Morgan

Prez by Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell

Red Hood/Arsenal by Scott Lobdell, Denis Medri

Robin, Son of Batman by Patrick Gleason

Section Eight by Garth Ennis, John McCrea

Starfire by Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner, Emanuela Lupacchino

We Are Robin by Lee Bermejo, Khary Randolph
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:37:32 PM
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Saturday, March 14, 2015 11:44:55 PM
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I am giving some of these a try. They need too wow me right out of the gate though. I will be quick to pull the trigger and cancel books if I don't get a good feeling from the first issue.
Sunday, March 15, 2015 10:40:13 AM
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Thundercron wrote:

Yeah, that's pretty wild! Time Out

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"Don’t flee from yourself. If you have a quality, be proud of it, let it define you, whatever it is." - Pinhead (Hellraiser III)

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Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:02:05 AM
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I'm guessing DC doesn't want my money. Each time they do one of these reboots, my pull list gets smaller. They are cancelling all the Lantern books. They are cancelling Supergirl to replace it with what; Bizarro.

And what's up with the artwork. Several of the Post Convergence and current books like Batgirl look like they belong on Nickelodeon. And the stories are for teen girls. How can a Batgirl taking selfies belong in the Bat family with the Dark Knight.

I have always been a DC guy, but this continuous rebooting or waves of books where they only run for 12-14 issues before being replacing by the next wave is pissing me off.

A statement said that DC is trying to "not alienate young women who fell in love with characters in their cartoons" What about alienating boys and men who have read their comics for years as comic super heroes not cartoons?
Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:07:56 AM
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treker10 wrote:
They are cancelling all the Lantern books.

The main Green Lantern book isn't being cancelled, nor is Sinestro. And there is a new Green Lantern book coming that I believe picks up where Corps leaves off.
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Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:14:09 AM
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padreglcc wrote:
treker10 wrote:
They are cancelling all the Lantern books.

The main Green Lantern book isn't being cancelled, nor is Sinestro. And there is a new Green Lantern book coming that I believe picks up where Corps leaves off.

I know Green Lantern isn't being cancelled and there is a new book. But Red Lanterns & New Guardians are being cancelled But if you read what they are doing John Stewart is supposed to be the main character in the Green Lantern book. I don't know what Lost Army is about, but none of the books are to have Hal. He supposedly gives up his ring.

Saturday, March 21, 2015 11:11:57 AM
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treker10 wrote:
padreglcc wrote:
treker10 wrote:
They are cancelling all the Lantern books.

The main Green Lantern book isn't being cancelled, nor is Sinestro. And there is a new Green Lantern book coming that I believe picks up where Corps leaves off.

I know Green Lantern isn't being cancelled and there is a new book. But Red Lanterns & New Guardians are being cancelled But if you read what they are doing John Stewart is supposed to be the main character in the Green Lantern book. I don't know what Lost Army is about, but none of the books are to have Hal. He supposedly gives up his ring.

Lost Army is what happens to the rest of the Corps in the aftermath of Convergence. Apparently, they're lost in another universe.

*Edit: Solicit text from GL #41 - "“Renegade!” Beginning a new chapter in Hal Jordan’s life as he becomes the universe’s most wanted outlaw! And wait till you meet Hal’s new partner, Darlene. She’s definitely not what you’re expecting!" Hal will star in the main GL book, Jon will star in Lost Army.

Also, it appears Hal will be in Justice League again.
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