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Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:48:37 AM
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Oriasten wrote:
Shen if you like Burnout so much, I highly suggest trying GRID. It pretty much got racer of the year unofficially last year. Burnout is a close #2 though. I actually have recently started playing the Burnout Ultimate Box. The motorcycle racing is done really well. I saw that the next new DLC is going to be a new island or something, sounds cool eh?

Is Grid like Gran Turismo? I'm more into the arcade racers than the simulation type. I always leaned more towards Need For Speed, Test Drive, Midnight Club, etc...even NASCAR was fun for a while.

If Grid isn't too Simmy, I may check it out.
Saturday, February 28, 2009 10:13:39 PM
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Sorry for the belated answer Shen, yeah GRID is kind of in between actually. I would say the driving itself is more Need for Speed. But all of the races are on fixed tracks. Trust me, if you like racing games GRID was the game for 2008 to get.

Also, look for Fuel later on this year by the same developers, Codemasters. I am betting we are going to see some awesome new racers from them. GRID was awesome, so it is a safe bet to say Fuel will be worth looking into. Their first racer seems like it was a little bit of a hit, I never played it but it was called Dirt.
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Saturday, March 07, 2009 3:03:55 PM
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So I went into this game not expecting much at all, but came out pleased.

The game's story in introduced through movie panels of Dave Gibbons-esc art. There is a prison riot and Nite Owl and Rorschach are arriving to help out, but the prison warrden warns them to leave immediatly or his men will taken the "damn costumed vigilantees." They land to help out anyway.

The game is a beat-em-up plain and simple. But not in the sence that your finding yourself only hitting X the entire game.

Throughout the game you pick up various combos that are very satisfying to pull off. Some enemies drop weapons witch you can use to pull off special attacks with that are very violent and gratifying.

The graphcs are better than what you would find in a PS2 or original Xbox game, but not stunning or amazing at all. Good none the less. The game is very dark and fits the Watchmen mood very well.

The controlls are a little stiff and the camera tens to be all over the place given the amount of moving you have to do through the game, but the camera is easily centered with a quick click of the right thumb stick.

There isn't much depth at all to the game, but it never came off as lazy. Like I said, it's a beat-em-up plain and simple, and for only 20$ it's deffinatly a cool way for you and a friend to blow off a few hours.

If you're big into Watchmen, you'll deffinatly dig it. If not, you can deffinatly go without it.
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Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:00:33 AM
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Ninja Blade


Holy sh!t ............. I had to use an explitive, this game is THAT awesome. God of War fans rejoice, there is a comparable game for the Xbox 360 now. I played the first level so far. Those of you that remember playing God of War for the first time will know the feeling of playing this game for the first time. You dive out of an airplane into Tokyo in 2015, the whole city has been turned into zombies ........... zombies that are F@&KING VICOUS!!!! They are mean and fast!!! You crash into a window in a skyscraper after attacking some flying zombie bird things, and the onslaught starts fast! Wielding dual katana blades you start hacking away at a bunch of people sized zombies and before you know it, you spend about 20 minutes battling, and then chasing this HUGE red Hulk looking zombie around a giant sky scraper, that breaks in half in the middle of the battle I might add ......... and finally you have a firey showdown with him on a roof top.

Just like in God of War, you have attacks that will pop up a series of buttons on the screen to press to take him down, as well as dodge his attacks and falling debris.

The game is obviously very violent, so if that's your bag GET IT!!! Its like playing a scifi/horror anime movie!!
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Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:10:46 AM
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Going ahead and reserving my spot for the Resident Evil 5 Review. Midnight release tommorrow night!!!!!! WOO HOO!
Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:13:32 AM
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Oriasten wrote:
Sorry for the belated answer Shen, yeah GRID is kind of in between actually. I would say the driving itself is more Need for Speed. But all of the races are on fixed tracks. Trust me, if you like racing games GRID was the game for 2008 to get.

Also, look for Fuel later on this year by the same developers, Codemasters. I am betting we are going to see some awesome new racers from them. GRID was awesome, so it is a safe bet to say Fuel will be worth looking into. Their first racer seems like it was a little bit of a hit, I never played it but it was called Dirt.

Thanks for the response dude, I may give GRID a shot. I wasn't crazy about Dirt, too much sim for me. But I'll try anything once. You ready for RE5???????
Thursday, March 12, 2009 1:38:19 AM
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This guy is ready for RE5!

I'll be picking it up at midnight aswell!
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Sunday, March 15, 2009 8:18:04 PM
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Resident Evil 5

Gameplay - Solid, if you liked Resident Evil 4 then you will like this. I can see the complaints from the old-school fans about how this series has become more of an action-horror game than a atmospheric-horror game. It is true, no dispute. Its not a big deal for me personally, as I just want a game to be fun and give me bang for my buck. This game will. If I give this game half the play-throughs I gave to RE4, then it was worth $60. The new Co-Op feature is fantastic if you can find a solid player. Tons of reasons to keep coming back for more.


Graphics - Absolutely gorgeous, its only 720P, but honestly who cares??? One of the best looking games this generation. Bar none. Bravo Capcom!


Sound - Again, top of the line audio. Everything from the sound of cocking your gun to reload to the voice acting (campy B movie intact!) to the sounds of crows calling in the background is splendid. The game doesn't deliver the same creepy atmosphere like the games of old, and sound is a big reason why. It is great for what it is though.


Controls - This is where the game shines for me personally, I don't think there is an third person shooter on the market that you pick up and feel right home right away. Until now. The controls are responsive & tight and with the RE4 over the shoulder aiming system, popping Manjini heads like pimples with the pull of a trigger hasn't been this easy since............. well RE4.


Plot - The story is meh, typical Resident Evil and predictable. I'm not a huge story guy anyway when it comes to games, as long as its fun, I'll play it. If I want a good story, I'll watch a movie or read a book.


Replay Value - Extremely high, if you like Resident Evil, you will like this. Some would say its RE4.5...and that has some merit. But thats not nessacarily as bad thing. At all. Co-Op online just packs on the replay value to what is already a close to perfect game.


Bottom Line - Buy this game, don't care if you have a 360 or PS3. You must own this game. This game isn't as much as I hoped for, but its by no means a disapointment. If you just want a fun game that will give you 10-20 hours on a playthrough, this is your game. Game of The Year Candidate for certain.

Overall - 5/5

Saturday, June 13, 2009 4:34:47 PM
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Thursday, October 22, 2009 9:23:16 AM
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My review for Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo is up at ComicAttack.net here.

Checkout previous additions of The Comics Console of ComicAttack.net for reviews and opinions of Batman Arkham Asylum, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up, the lost Daredevil game, and more here!
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Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:57:30 PM
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My review for Marvel Super Hero Squad is up at ComicAttack.net! This week we also discuss super hero team-up games! Leave a comment, tell me what you think!
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 5:37:10 AM
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My review of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles is up on ComicAttack.net here!

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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:20:39 AM
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Great gem of a beat-em game that was sadly overlooked by many because it was released nearly at the end of the Super Nintendo's (SNES) life when most gamers had already moved on to the Playstation, Sega Saturn, and even the N64 by 1996. What a shame, because Capcom really delivered in what was a sort-of-sequel to X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse also released on SNES.

It had some great looking 2D graphics, very impressive for SNES. The gameplay was top-notch as it mixed beat-em gameplay with fighting game styled move-sets. You could play as Wolverine, Spider-Man, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man. Your goal was to gather the Infinity Gems and to battle various Super-Villains in various Marvel Universe locations. A thrill for comic fans and beat-em up game fans.

However it had a couple bad-points for it:
1. The cover art was boring. Come on, it was based off of a comic, you could have slapped all kinds of awesome stuff from the Marvel vault on that plain grey cartridge, instead we simply get a label that reads "Marvel Super-Heroes: War of the Gems." That's it, no artwork on the sticker for you.

2. It's HARD! It took me a while of trial and error before I finally beat this borderline torturous game. They don't give you break in the beginning areas.

3. The Hulk looks freaking ridiculous. I mean seriously, what is he doing when you just stand there? It looks like he's trying to make himself vomit.
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:22:30 AM
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Capcom does it again! Duck Tales is a masterpiece of a platformer for the NES. The house that brought us Mega Man, Ghouls N Ghosts, Street Fighter II, and Resident Evil proves that licensed games don't have to be crap.

In Duck Tales you play as Uncle Scrooge who is using his vast fortune to get even richer. You are sent to different parts of the world to discover rare and valuable treasures. These areas are in fact your levels. There you will run, jump, and "pogo-jump" over various obstacles, spikes, pits, and enemies in an attempt to collect as much treasure as possible in each level. At the end of each level is a boss who is guarding the rare treasure of that level that you must defeat.

The formula sounds a bit generic, I know. But the greatness of the game is in it's details. The controls are spot on. It is a blast to use the "pogo-jump" (Uncle Scrooge uses his cane much like a pogo-stick) to get around and to solve puzzles. Uncle Scrooge can also use his cane to whack various objects with varying results. The graphics are also just amazing for the NES. This game must push the NES to it's limits graphically. It is bright, colorful, and quite detailed. The sound is also very memorable on this game. But in the end, it's just a LOT of fun to play.

I highly recommend this game to any gamer who can enjoy a platformer. It is an appropriate game for both young and old gamers and is a timeless classic.
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:24:40 AM
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This game absolutely blew me away back in the day. It is an absolute masterpiece of 2D gaming. Made by SNK fairly late in the NES's lifespan. This was a 2D, top-down view, action-RPG similar to The Legend of Zelda in it's gameplay style. However, I feel that it was superior to the original Legend of Zelda in every way. I'm sure many people feel differently, but that's my opinion.

Crystalis follows the adventure of a warrior sent from the future. He is sent back in time to stop an evil and very powerful dictator from taking over the world before he gains his full power in the past. The game begins with you waking up from your time machine in the past and emerging from the cave it is housed in and into a small village. It is in that small village that your adventure begins. You will battle many monsters and minions and their powerful masters in your quest to rid the world of this great evil.

The game is very impressive, graphically, for an NES game. The sound is just as impressive. There are a number of areas, dungeons, caves, and towns to explore. Unlike Legend of Zelda, there are also a number of NPCs to interact with as well as storyline that you can follow. Another improvement over Legend of Zelda is the ability to level-up your character. You can gain sword and armor upgrades like in Zelda, but alongside that you still get the character level-ups; making the game that much more satisfying in the end. The game is also a bit more challenging in the later areas of the game than Zelda ever was.

So if you're a fan of the original Legend of Zelda, you must check out this game. It is well worth it's price and your time.
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:25:24 AM
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I'm a comic geek. I have been for 20 years. Since I could read, I was reading about the exploits of Green Lantern, Superman, Spider-Man, and the X-Men. The X-Men was more of a kid only love, as an adult I'm pretty sick of X-Men everywhere in the Marvel Universe. Nonetheless this game is STILL a favorite of mine.

This follows the adventures of the 90s X-Men team in your classic 2D, beat-em up style. While the game didn't revolutionize anything, it was very well made and quite polished. This was put out by one of the top game-makers in the world: Capcom. The same company behind Mega Man, Ghouls N Ghosts, Street Fighter II, and Resident Evil.

It had great graphics and great sound for a SNES game, and it played like a dream. You can choose between playable X-Men Wolverine, Psylocke, Gambit, Beast, or Cyclops. Each have their own, unique, intro-level. After that you choose which X-Man you will use in a level-by-level endevour of fighting many, many minions, dodging automated defenses, and battling super-powered bosses.

The thing that really set this game apart from other beat-em ups were the moves. You have your basic attack moves and of course the ability to jump. But this game also added fighting-game style button combos that would produce special attacks or allow you to use your mutant powers. It was also based off of the comics and had many characters and locations that fans will recognize and enjoy seeing.

I highly recommend this game to any SNES owner, young or old. This game is polished, it's a lot of fun, and it's pretty common and cheap.
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:27:50 AM
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This is hands-down of the greatest games to ever come out on the NES, and in my book, that's really saying something. But what more would you expect from the house that brought you Mega Man, Duck Tales, Street Fighter II, and Resident Evil? That's right, this is a Capcom classic here.

This game perfectly blends the genres of side-scrolling platformer and run-n-gun action game perfectly. It's 2D bliss. The gameplay mechanics are easy to pick up, yet difficult to master at the same time. Something a lot game developers have completely neglected to do nowadays. When you do master the game mechanics, the game just flows. The graphics are quite impressive for an NES game. And the music is some of the greatest music you have ever heard in an NES game.

You play as the army's latest and greatest super-soldier known simply as The Bionic Commando. Your mission is to infiltrate enemy lines, collect important information and weapons along the way, and to ultimately rescue capture soldier and American hero: Super Joe. You battle hordes of enemy soldiers and weaponry that has an uncanny resemblence to WWII Nazis. The catch is you have a bionic arm grafted to you that leaves you too heavy to jump. Instead you use your bionic arm to grapple to objects and climb them, or too swing from objects like Spider-Man or Tarzan.

Along the way you'll collect power-up items and new weapons, and the enemies and obstacles involving using your bionic become harder and harder. But NES players don't fret, even though this get can get difficult, there is a continue option, and if you play your cards right you can have unlimited continues. In between levels there is a world map you use to travel from level to level. On that world map are also "tanks", and if those tanks cross your path, you go into a bird's eye view action scene, much like the old "Commando" game. If you defeat the larger enemies in these small arcade-style stages, they will earn you continues.

I highly recommend this game. I still play it after all these years when I want to unwind, it's that good. I personally consider it to be Capcom's crowning jewel for their NES releases.
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:30:38 AM
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King's Field is one of those games that I have found that gamers either absolutely love, or absolutely loathe it (or they've never heard of it, haha). I happen to be of the the opinion that it is fan-freaking-tastic!

For me, this was my introduction to the 3 game series. Apparantly there's a 4th game out there that predates this one, unfortunately it's Japanese only so I've never had the privilege of playing it. Nonetheless, this game sucked me in from the moment I stepped onto the rocky beach or Melmut Island. You play as a warrior who is the only survivor of a shipwrecked expedition from a faraway kingdom. You awake on a rocky beach of a dark and mysterious island and from there you're thrust into a dangerous world, on your own, with little to go on. In fact in the beginning you literally start with nothing and have to find and fight for everything you need until you finally arrive at the first town and are able to purchase equipment.

King's Field is a 3D action-RPG with a twist: the game is played from a first-person perspective that is more at home with early first-person shooters such as Doom and Quake. Instead of using guns and fists; you are using swords, axes, bows, and magic spells to battle enemies. The game also has a very heavy emphasis on exploration. There are many paths to explore in this open-ended game, with no real right or wrong way, as well as many hidden walls and areas through-out. Explore a world full of countless monsters, areas, weapons, items, spells, and other loot.

I highly recommend this to RPG fans looking for an immersive game. However to ignore it's flaws would be just be stubborn of me. There is an issue with the slow speed of the character at first. This is what turns many people away from the game at first. Fortunately, as you level up this becomes less of a problem as running no longer fatigues you. All you need is a little patience, as with any RPG. Many people are also turned off by the fact that the game doesn't give you direction. Personally, I think that's why this game shines. You explore the world and go through it in whatever fashion you feel fits. But to each his own.

IMO, this was one of the best games to ever come from the PS1. I like it so much, I play through it and it's two sequels about once a year every year. If you find it, it's also dirt cheap, so by all means pick it up and try it!
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:33:23 AM
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This game gets a perfect 10 in my book. It's absolutely mind-boggling how good this game actually is. It is perhaps the greatest game ever created. And then they come along and give us the Game of the Year Editions?! Yowzas! They made perfection, better!

This is the most immersive, the most ambitious, the largest, the longest, the most open-ended, and the most addicting game I have ever played in my nearly 25 years of gaming. I have seen everything from the release of the NES to today and everything in-between. And I have loved a lot of games over years, but as of this review there is no doubt that this was the best of them all.

Oblivion does follow a main-quest story about the death of the kingdom of Tamriel's king. You are a prisoner who happens to get caught-up in the goings on of the king as he accesses a secret passage that just happens to be in your jail cell. Him and the guards basically tell you that it's your lucky day and you get a free pass due to the circumstances. So as you make your way to freedom alongside the king, he is assassinated! As he dies he gives you "The Amulet of the Kings" and tells you that you are destined to determine the fate of the kingdom and with his dying breath tells you to deliver the amulet to his unclaimed son and heir to the throne. After you play through that introduction, you are given the opportunity to create your character. You choose his/her race, his/her specialization or class, his/her skills, his/her strengths and weaknesses, and his/her physical features. From that point on, the game is entirely up to you. You can choose to continue the main quest, ignore it come back to it later as you take other quests and join guilds to take guild-quests, or ignore the main-quest all together and still squeeze dozens of hours out of the game.

First off, the game is beautiful. You will spend a good amount of time just enjoying the scenery, the maticulous detail put into buildings, people, and even armor; or just checking out the spectacular night-time sky. The sound is just as amazing and realistic to boot. But where the game really shines is the sheer size of it and the amount of things to do. You could play this game for a year straight and probably still find things to do! As I already mentioned, there is a main-quest and storyline. There are also multiple guilds you join with their own quests and storylines including: The Fighter's Guild, The Mage's Guild, The Thieve's Guild, the Brotherhood of Assassins, The Arena, and even religious prilgrimages. If that sounds too structured for you, you can just roam the countryside taking random quests as they come up from the townspeople.

Speaking of the countryside, what a countryside it is. It has multiple towns all with their own unique personalities and people. Each town has a healthy population and size and even it's own castle. There is also a capital city that is massive in size. Tons of NPC characters, guards, guild-members, merchants, townspeople, and others populate these towns and cities. In between those towns and cities is a world littered with dungeons, ruins, caves, relics, and monsters that stretches for miles. You could just spends hours upon hours exploring rather than following any quests at all and still rack up a healthy amount of items and gold and gain levels.

As for the level-up system, forget about everything you know about RPGs. Instead of levelling-up by defeating enemies, you level up by using skills. So for example, if you are magic user your magic skills will go up faster. And depending on what kind of magic you use more often (such as Destuction, Restoration, Summoning, etc.), that certain type of magic will also become easier to use. The same thing works with fighters using swords, or thieves that use lockpicking skills a lot, or whatever your class/skills happen to be.

I could not recommend this game more. This game is well worth it's price and very immersive and addicting. It is high-quality in every aspect of the word. The only people I wouldn't recommend it to is young children, as it may be a bit to complicated for them.
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Friday, April 01, 2011 3:34:24 AM
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Batman and video games have had a bad relationship over the years. The simply titled "Batman" for the NES was the only exception in a long-list of lackluster Batman titles over a two decade span.

Then Eidos released Batman: Arkham Asylum. I have to admit, it took me a while to get around to playing this game just because of the stigma attached to previous Batman games in my mind. Simply put: I didn't believe the hype. So I was skeptical of this game from the get-go.

From the opening scene, I was immeadiatly caught off guard. The graphics and sound is top-notch. The whole part while Joker is being escorted through Arkham Asylum by Commissioner Gordon and Batman is awesome! I love that Kevin Conroy is Batman and Mark Hammil is The Joker (both the respective actors from the Animated Series, and yes it's that Mark Hammil). Who ever wrote the story, seriously understands Batman, and I mean the real Batman from the comics. The Dark Knight. Batman is an obsessed, stubborn, and skilled individual. And he's nearly as disturbed as the criminals he captures. This game captured that perfectly.

The gameplay held up just as well. At first, you're limited in your abilities as Batman. But as you progress you quickly begin acquiring your basic skills, making the game much more fun. Then as you get further, you get cooler and cooler gadgets to play with. The fighting mechanic isn't difficult to control, but is a bit difficult to really master. And that's perfect! There's also a very stealthy element to this game as you hide and attack from air-ducts, or descent down from above onto an unsuspecting thug below.

The point of this game is that The Joker has overtaken Arkham Asylum. He has full control of all systems in the massive facility, and controls the criminal element within it's cells. It's up to you, and you alone, as Batman to infiltrate the many areas and buildings through-out the island complex, take out the super-criminals that are loose, and ultimately stop the Joker and retake Arkham Asylum.

Many fan-favorites make appearances including Commissionor Gordon, Oracle (aka Barbara Gordon), Scarecrow, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc. Scarface, Bane, Poison Ivy, and others.

I do have one small complaint about the game, however, and this why it got a 9.0 instead of the 10 on my review. The event-oriented controls can be a bit annoying at times. There are certain movements and abilities Batman has that are all controlled by the same button, as to what it does depends on where you're standing or what's going on around you. Sometimes this can be annoying if you're intending to do one thing, and Batman does something else completely different. It's not bad enough of a problem to make the game unplayable by any means, but it can be annoying in certain spots.

Other than Halo 3 and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; this one of the most impressive titles for the 360 I have played to date. I definitely recommend picking this one up.
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