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Monday, January 26, 2009 9:28:17 PM
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Well, I played Fiesta for about 20 minutes... this game is MUCH better than I had anticipated. A lot prettier than I expected, and you can tweak the settings to your liking. Seems really popular, too... but no frame lag for it. Once I get the gist of it, I'll send a PM to whomever wants to meet up.
"We make a pretty good team, even if we don't work together." - My son

We put the "RP" into RPG!


...Dementia 5 Blog...

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Monday, February 09, 2009 11:46:46 AM
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I have achieved different levels of progress for each of these MMORPGs:

Perfect World
Sword of the New World

and can place comment on each.

These are all Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Games. A most unique form of entertainment if you have not played them before. Essentially, it is Dungeons and Dragons for the new millenium, where you assume the personae of some fantastic character, and are off for adventure and wealth, melee and experience. It is no substitute for tabletop gaming, but it has opened an entirely new market for video games, and is deserving of the lavish success it has earned.

THe MMO genre has been hallmarked almost single-handedly by World of Warcraft, (begun by Everquest and to some extent Diablo) which I must say is probably still the best example... however, there are virtues that these games above offer that set them apart from the mainstream. Not the least of which, they are ALL free to play.

They make their profit using a very clever business model, which was initiated by FlyFF (Fly for Fun, another MMO I have not tested); you can buy other-worldly items for game use (a magic sword, a magic cloak, and so on) with your REAL hard-earned currency. It is not mandatory by any means, but it will set you apart from the rest of your peers if you choose to do so. I have not pursued this, although I am considering it.

Other features that set these games apart from WoW, Guild Wars and the like- they have improved on many of the features that the mainstream titles offer, such as an expanded UI, superior graphics (almost every example above looks better than WoW) and a faithful community (if you can forgive the occasional Spam and Leet-speak) which spells greater success during playtime.

In summary:


Playability ****
Graphics ***1/2
Community ****

This is the "cutest" MMO I think, but that's one of the great attractors. Folks on this community are probably the friendliest I've come across in the list, and appear to be the most dedicated. The music is very hip, and puts you in the "mood", so to speak. VERY anime influenced, right down to the emoticons. This was the first I've tried, and may be the best... certainly has had me playing the longest sessions.


Playability ****
Graphics ***1/2
Community ***

Highest marks to playability, as this one takes you by the hand with lots of cut scenes and simple language. if you've never played an MMO before, this is a good candidate. ANother anime influenced RPG, set in the Gaelic/Celtic tradition (not just another new-age spin-off, I speak some Gaelic and they do a fair job emulating the culture with town names and quest driven artifacts). I have played this the least, but am at the highest level compared to the other games on the list. The combat is satisfying, and even a bit clever. The animation and controls are very smooth, probably the best in the lot.

SHAIYA ***1/2

Playability ***1/2
Graphics ***1/2
Community ***1/2

THis is what Everquest would be like today had it kept up with the times. I enjoy this one a lot, even though it has earned the weakest ratings on the whole. No new ground to cover, so it's a tad dated but a good place to start if you're not sure about the whole genre of MMORPGs, and want something outside of the anime influenced KRPGs or JRPGs. An excellent support site, and is constantly going through further development... this game will be around for a while.


Playability ***1/2
Graphics ****
Community ****

A dynamite score, with a very cool soundtrack and authentic period piece (asian folk) music, this game takes itself pretty seriously. Set in European times, with an Asian flair, tHe graphics are top notch, although the refresh rate could be a little better... this is likely to be a function of how popular the servers can get (edit: after tweaking the texture settings I found a happy medium, enough to notch the playability score up a bit). This game sports a strong community base, who are very helpful to noobs and veterans alike, from what I can see. The graphics are very good, although I haven't found too much variety with quests at the low levels. But it IS a good land to explore, with just enough variety to set it apart from the average MMO. Some of the landscaping is downright gorgeous. Oh, and you can fly.


Playability ****
Graphics ****
Community ****

Another popular anime based game with a voracious community, this game is fun to play for any number of reasons, not the least of which it is the most challenging of the bunch. The community is one big chatterbox, for better or for worse, and seem to cater to a teen crowd, but again, they have proven helpful and provide more than just simple backdrop to the setting. The graphics are lush and thoughtfully executed in design and placement. The game offers a unique experience building engine: one for land based encounters and the other for sea based experiences.


Playability ***1/2
Graphics *****
Community ***

Far and away, the best graphics package in the bunch, this game rivals any subscription service out there, in terms of story depth, visualization, characterization... virtually every tenet one looks for in a quality MMORPG. It is set apart from the crowd a bit, being a tactical, turn-based game, therefore it is less a sand box game and more a strategic one (think Balder's Gate). But the layout and logic of this game is quite a treat, really, and one that also takes you by the hand at its beginning. This game has a huge following, and offers many unique and challenging gameplay mechanics that others do not have. Not for the feint of heart, but highly recommended.

THere you have it. As you can see, not a loser in the bunch. I also downloaded Silkroad (based on the trade routes in the historic dark ages) but have not played it yet.

I tried to play Scions of Fate, but after a number of confirmation requests from their automatons, I've heard nothing back, so to hell with them.

Two other lackluster games for me were Rappelz and Rakion. The former was too choppy to be an enjoyable experience on my somewhat high-end lap top, and didn't have too much identity for me. The latter, was essentially like playing Soul Caliber I, only without the fun.

So the best I can say about the six MMOs I've reviewed: they are clean fun, with a lot of heart and a suprising amount of production value for a free product. I never once felt like I was playing a second-rate product, which sometimes chases more than a few shareware/freeware packages out there. No bugs from what I could tell. It also serves as a dynamite way to meet up with friends, who want to do more than simply "chat" away the time. And these games are just as addictive as you, youself, allow them to be; a true "dopamine" goal for video game designers everywhere. Again, some of the subscribers to these games number into the millions.

The worst I can say: I am still relatively new with these "game worlds", but they seem to lack the depth of storytelling that say, WoW could afford. It's not through lack of interest or trying, some of these (Shaiya, Mabinogi and Sword... in particular) have a very strong storytelling premise with which to build, but I haven't seen them emerge in game play yet. THis may reveal itself over time, however.

Anyhow, I hope someone finds value in this as the point is to meet up with anyone who ventures into this gaming system, and earn some shared experience. They are quite a lot of fun, and let me tell you, if any of these had been around 10 or 15 years ago, I would never have left the dorm.

"We make a pretty good team, even if we don't work together." - My son

We put the "RP" into RPG!


...Dementia 5 Blog...

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009 2:05:26 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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Location: Greenville South Carolina
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I am a level 8 in Fiesta. I only play once or twice a week. I use the top server, Bijou. From what I can tell you can only use the server you first chose. My character name is the same as my CCL name. DO you plan on playing through all of those games or just your favorites. Cuz even one MMO can take a lifetime. I am interested in some of the other games that Outspark had on their site, like the FPS that is coming soon called Blackshot as well as the other JRPG Secret of the Solstice. I know once the beta for Blackshot opens I will get it, SotS is already ative, I am just deciding whether or not to interrupt Fiesta, it looks like I would enjoy it more.

How goes Lost Odyssey? I have gone back to playing Need for Speed and Rock Band a good bit, but I am playing Fiesta here and there and Star Ocean 1 on my PSP.
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 2:28:03 PM
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Fiesta would be a good team play, so I'll keep an eye out for you when I log in next. I've been playing in Perfect World more frequently, partly to hear the killer opening track at login.

Bijou sounds about right... the first server, correct?

I have LO, and most XBox games for the MMOs... I'll return once I get more experience with these online games.
"We make a pretty good team, even if we don't work together." - My son

We put the "RP" into RPG!


...Dementia 5 Blog...

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Thursday, February 12, 2009 3:51:06 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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Yeah Bijou is the first server. It's also the name of a legendary movie theater here in Greenville that was closed down shortly after Hannibal came through. I miss the Bijou.
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Monday, February 16, 2009 2:12:53 PM
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Been really getting into The Last Remnant. I really enjoy the characters in the story (the Generals and David). Finally getting the hang of the combat, I think. Once you start to understand it it's not so overwhelming, but it took a bit to get to that point, especially once it starts letting you form your own unions. I was totally confused there.

I am a little confused by some of the attributes that keep leveling up, like Gluttony (maybe it affects the amount of items they take to level up their equipment?), Love (Emma has this), and other strange assorted things.

It's a really beautiful game; the graphics are amazing. And now that I've loaded the disc onto the HD it plays better. There's still some lag and some absurd load screens, but it's loads better.

Oh, I do think I should point out that I'm not a fan of the critical trigger system. The game feels like it lags sometimes, and it throws things off. Plus it draws your eyes to the center of the screen through the whole combat, and it makes me feel very cross-eyed. I'm not one to want my screen cluttered, but I feel it's too small.

I know you can set it on auto. Though I doubt this makes it auto crit every time; more likely it randomly decides the success rate since that's how these things usually work, which means you're probably better off doing it manually even if you're awful.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 2:00:23 AM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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Yeah I have had similar issues with Last Remnant, still a cool story an worth playing. I've been distracted some with other games, I just finished all of Need for Speed Undercover with 810 ach. points.

And now I am hooked on a new Japanese title called Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad. Gotta be one of the bloodiest games I have played. I doubt it's your think Krissy but it being Japanese I am sure you have at least heard of it. Very fun for the bloodfest zombie killing fans.

Also Street Fighter IV ............ oh man, I am 16 again. The end boss though is HARD.
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:04:03 AM
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It's hard NOT to hear of it. Video games still being mostly a male medium, bikini clad samurais get more coverage than they probably should.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:33:17 PM
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OK I found something I really absolutely hate about Last Remnant's combat system.

I hate that if your union defeats an enemy union before each PC has taken an action, that the untaken actions are wasted. They go away. I think that if I still have actions left after defeating a union, and another enemy union engages me, that I should be able to use those actions against the other union. So I'm not talking about running across the battlefield to attack an enemy engaging someone else; I just don't like that your actions are axed so you just stand there while another unit pummels you.

Given how long combat can take in this game, I think allowing this rather obvious inclusion to the battle system would make a huge difference. Typically when you play a turn based game like this, if the enemy you were targeting falls, then your attack moves to the next available enemy. You don't just...not take an action.

So yeah, that really bugs me.
Sunday, March 01, 2009 8:13:52 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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KrisEllieOphi wrote:
It's hard NOT to hear of it. Video games still being mostly a male medium, bikini clad samurais get more coverage than they probably should.

Well I wasn't sure how much press it was getting which is why I said that. I know GI covered it a little. I am always going to EBs website and looking up upcoming games so I can know what to look for. They have customer reviews, or predictions, screenshots and some have trailer vids. I liked what I saw with Onechanbara, mostly the bloody part, the bikinis are just a plus. Big Grin
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Monday, March 02, 2009 2:00:05 AM
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Ah...I realized I made a pun. I must be really tired because I'm finding myself hilarious.

That bikini clad samurais are getting more coverage than they probably should. Haha.....

OK maybe not as funny as I thought.
Monday, March 02, 2009 10:49:41 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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Actually that is funny, now all we need is a nude code like Tomb Raider rumorly had.

First impression of Star Ocean 3.

I play the first 30 min. Much like I have heard about Xenosaga (alas I never got to play that game but I hear they were awesome) there is a lot of video so far. The acting is typical anime jestery. I hear it gets more serious down the road though. My racing obsession has me running through the Burnout Paradise Boxset right now, and Street Fighter IV keeps calling my name, but RPG's are getting nigh for me, with my new job I can tell I will be more focused during my free time so I can see me grabbing a couple hours in a RPG before capping the night off with some Stargate SG1 (never watched it, so I got all 10 seasons of it, and all of Atlantis). Thanks to Tommy it will be Farscape after that and THEN my new manager has me damn interested in Battlestar Galactica .......... So many TV episodes and video games, so little time. But hey, I am making a$$ loads of money now ............ new car here I come.

I know, I rant, sue me.
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 10:50:36 PM
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Bump that Battlestar up to the top, because it's totally the best out of that. :)

I'm pretty sure the Xenosaga games are still scattered around. I always see some of them on the shelf at GameStop. Pick them up if you see them anywhere. The first and third were great, the second less so. But the story as a whole was really cool.
Thursday, May 07, 2009 4:41:58 PM
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Well to pick up 2 months later.....

I am in seas 7 of Stargate SG1

I bought a DS and got FF III and a bunch of other games, and just for the hell of it I bought The World Ends with You today, I haven't played it yet but I will tonight.
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:20:13 PM
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Oh, oh, OH! The World Ends With You. I think you will love it. The music is one of the best parts of the game. But it's all wonderful - story, game play, etc.
Monday, May 25, 2009 4:49:05 AM
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I've gotten through a couple levels of it, it's a different game but I am liking it. I am also greatly anticipating FF Dissidea for PSP. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 11:53:16 AM
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Oriasten wrote:
I've gotten through a couple levels of it, it's a different game but I am liking it. I am also greatly anticipating FF Dissidea for PSP. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I can not wait for FF Dissidea. From what I read it could shape up to be a good game.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 10:54:10 PM
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I would just like to say....

The new Kingdom Hearts game is a blast. It's great to be playing a (good) Kingdom Hearts game again!
Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:56:53 PM
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I was sucked into WoW ........ so ......... it IS an RPG ....... saw this thread just sitting here so I thought I would drop in to say.

WoW has me.
Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of


a Progressive Metal band born right here in Greenville SC, home of the Egpytian Death Metal band Nile
Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:07:19 PM
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I haven't finished a RPG since FFX dropped eons ago, I bought FFXII but hated it.

I hope the PS3 gets some RPGs soon.
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