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Wednesday, August 06, 2014 5:14:23 AM
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just read the last issue of She Hulk that came out...someone please stop Marvel from destroying a great book with their horrible choice of artist. Honestly a five year olds finger paintings would have been better than the travesty I just encountered.
Friday, November 28, 2014 10:48:54 PM
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This was complete reprinting of the original comic for Marvel's 70th Anniversary; on modern-glossy paper along with that gorgeous redone cover. Read it today along with a few other comics.

What I found to be surprising, especially considering the original printing was in 1939, was the amount of violence. Human Torch and The Angel both killed their foes. And Sub-Mariner was a straight villain in his first appearance here, spurred on by his mother. By the end of the story he vowed vengeance against the human race.

Regardless both the Human Torch and Sub-Mariner stories I found to be enjoyable, even if the dialogue was a bit dated. The Angel story was pretty run-of-mill gangster-crime story stuff, though.

There was also the first appearance of Ka-Zar, another uninspired jungle-adventure type story, a masked-cowboy story, and a text-only story about racing that I didn't bother to read. None of those really stood out to me, though.
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Saturday, November 29, 2014 7:35:51 AM
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picked up some trades for 50% off at Mile High yesterday - can't decide if I should start in on Dynamo 5 or Invincible... or maybe Age of Ultron?
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Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:47:35 AM
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Hey all,

First post on these boards. Been into comics on and off for years. I'm a product of the late great 90s X-Men hype. Currently collecting New Avengers... I've missed the onslaught (heh) of title-spanning mega events that have been churned out since I left off back in Civil War. Avengers: The Initiate is what I'd like to get my mitts on... seems a dusting off for a lot of cool villains. And Avengers A.I. is another series I'm considering.

The Initiative*
What exactly is that suppose to be on Attuma's head?
Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:15:43 PM
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Obsessed with Rick Remender's Image books right now. Low and Black Science are 2 awesome Sci-fi books and Deadly Class is like his version of the X-men kinda. If you were coming of age in the 80's you would really identify with this book.
All That I Need Are Things I Don't Need.
Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:38:37 PM
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Reading list has changed a bit since I last posted on this thread. Currently I an reading
V Wars - one of the books I look forward to the most each month. Very entertaining book since issue 1.
New 52 Futures End
Batman Eternal - Love that its a weekly book. Best Bat book on the shelves.
Detective Comics
Moon Knight - Don't know why I keep reading. This book is horrible.
Aquaman & The Others
Grayson - Started off kinda cool but issue 4 was terrible.
Batman & Robin - Eagerly waiting the return of Damian.
Teen Titans - Great art with a so so story.
X Files Season 10
Men Of Wrath - Awesome book.
Wytches - very interesting story so far even with the less than stellar art.
Green Lantern
Lobo - really liked issue 1 but issue 2 was nowhere near as good.
Superior Iron Man - Really trying to give Marvel another go around
Amazing Spider-Man
Superior Spider-Man
Monday, December 01, 2014 6:55:45 AM
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Walking Dead Vol. 22
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Monday, December 01, 2014 7:20:49 AM
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I recently dropped some books to pick up some new ones.

Powers Bureau
Ten Grand

Ongoings I am currently reading:
Amazing Spider-Man
He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (to become He-Man: The Eternity War)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Spider-Man 2099

Miscleanious reads while they last:
Scarlet Spiders

I'm probably forgetting 1 or 2, but that's about it.

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I haz a Blog
Monday, December 01, 2014 12:42:54 PM
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PBGrimes wrote:
Hey all,

First post on these boards. Been into comics on and off for years. I'm a product of the late great 90s X-Men hype. Currently collecting New Avengers... I've missed the onslaught (heh) of title-spanning mega events that have been churned out since I left off back in Civil War. Avengers: The Initiate is what I'd like to get my mitts on... seems a dusting off for a lot of cool villains. And Avengers A.I. is another series I'm considering.

The Initiative*

Hi, welcome to CCL!

Judging from your post I think you would like this thread.
Why Are Comic Book Crossover Events Broken?

I hope to see you around the Forums!


P.S. I think it's a fossilized sea urchin. Silly

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When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Then find someone who life gave vodka to and become friends with them.

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Thursday, January 08, 2015 1:29:51 PM
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I am currently reading all the X-Men and related titles.Looking forward to reading the new Marvel Star Wars series.
Thursday, January 08, 2015 3:26:55 PM
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Mostly N52 Supes and Rainbow Lanterns....
Probably dig into Volume 5 of The Boys this weekend though.
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Saturday, January 17, 2015 7:19:16 AM
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I am getting a Fable type vibe from Tooth and Claw, really hope it gains popularity and goes on for years

I have been a long time DC guy but for the past year I find myself dropping most DC and reading X and ASM, not sure if this is happening elsewhere but DC just seems sucky
Sunday, February 01, 2015 3:16:30 PM
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The Green Arrow of time is sharp and true:

I finally finished reading Green Arrow volume 1 which concluded in 1998 (about 17 years ago). And onto the reprints of classic O'neil/Adams GL/GA issues; published in 1983 (about 32 years ago). These stories were originally printed around 1970 (the year I was born and about 45 years ago). Today I started to read through the Futures End comic which began last year and which features Ollie in a significant roll from the start.

On the inside of the front cover of the GL/GA reprints, Roger Slifer (sometime comic book writer and creator of Lobo among other things) wrote a heartfelt nostalgic piece regarding his first experience with Green Lantern #76, the first of the O'neil/Adams run. He begins the piece saying he was about to quit comics in 1969. O'neil and Adams arguably reinvented comics for the modern age during their short-lived run. In the editorial, Slifer was quite adept at setting the scene and reminding readers of how important this series was, and still is. Again, this was written in 1983.

Flash forward 12 years from 1983 to 1995 and Oliver Queen is dead. In another 3 years the title is canceled. The comic industry was in rapid decline during this time. It seemed the dreams of relevance and importance of comic books in society was lost. Flash forward 17 years and we come to present day: Futures End. Comic book characters have never been so popular, and poor Ollie (Spoiler alert!) is dead again. I find it amusing to read these tales of Green Arrow from four different eras and note how the comic book industry has changed between each incarnation. From one of the most important series of the modern age, to moderate obscurity and on to the small screen. Ollie has done it all.

For the past 45 years, Green Arrow has always been a secondary character; never managing to hold up next to the heavy hitters for long. He's a lone wolf at heart. An activist and, like the legend of Robin Hood, holds up as a symbol of justice the common man can relate to. He has also been the pulse of the comic industry for decades. Although GA will probably never be the world's favorite comic book character, my recent readings have shown me that he is actually a very important character and the industry would surely not be the same without him.

(note: while researching for this post, I discovered that Roger Slifer was a victim of a hit-and-run in 2012 and has yet to fully recover. Please acknowledge and support his cause as you are able.)


Wednesday, February 04, 2015 8:01:24 PM
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When this comic from Image came out. I was in love with the story and art. The story was familiar but had some very original ideas. Then came the delays coming out every month or so, then nothing. I know. I should of been used to comic book delays especially from Image. They have been notorious in the past for being late. I was still bummed though. No word at all when the next issue would come out. Two years later. Today in fact on the rack at my LCBS. I see it. Issue number 6. Bought it. Read it. Loved it. The comic in question is Danger Club. The story of misplaced sidekicks and young heroes after the grown up superheroes all die fighting an enemy offworld. The series itself is said to have two more issues left to wrap up the story. So far so good. Hopefully it ends good and they somehow keep it going like Five Ghosts. This time with a regular schedule and not every two years. Lol.

(referring to an original comic book piece) This is a art gallery my friend and THIS is a piece of art.

Elijah Price "Unbreakable"
played by Samuel L. Jackson

Saturday, February 14, 2015 4:51:43 PM
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Just finished volumes 8 &9 of "The Boys" - excellent series.
Also just read all three "Superman Earth One" hardbacks - also excellent.
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Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:36:28 PM
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Started Preacher last week and am loving it! Just read issue 1 of Blackacre today. I'm not completely sold on it yet, but it has potential.

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Sunday, December 13, 2015 10:20:27 PM
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What book (s) are you currently in the process of reading??

I am currently reading :
Wicked and Divine #16
Paper Girls #3
Saga #31
Alias: Jessica Jones
Sunday, December 13, 2015 10:57:46 PM
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I've been going through the Star Trek New Frontier book series (for about the 6th time) to catch back up and read the 3 mini-novels which came out over the last few months. (Glad to see Peter David is back writing after suffering a stroke a few years ago.)

I just finished Missing in Action and next up is the 2008 five issue New Frontier comic series published by IDW. (Mirror Universe related material is probably my favorite niche of everything Star Trek.)
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 4:16:38 PM
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Detective Comics
Green Lantern
Amazing Spider-Man
Batman & Robin Eternal
Batman: Europa
Martian Manhunter
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern Lost Army
Iron Man
Star Wars
Darth Vader

Some of the same titles as my list last year but some new titles added.
Friday, February 12, 2016 3:23:28 AM
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I'm reading XTinction Agenda, Mutant Massacre and Inferno right now. Just picked up the issues i was missing for those sets!
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