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Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:53:58 AM
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Hey there!!!

Will there be any additions that will smplify accounting.

Something that would give us a total dollar figure of what we as sellers have listed.

I also often see people trying to sell an entire collection or sell the contents of their store their store. What if someone decided to do this is it possible to have a way to save on all the man hours used to list all these hours and combine the stores.

One idea I had would be to add in a make an offer on my collection offer that would just list the collection in a text/link format without thumbnails so you could click on if you wanted but could fit more on the page.

Let me know what you think.

Best Wishes,

Sunday, December 06, 2009 7:11:32 PM
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Quick question... I'm new to CCL, so bear with me. If a title can't be found in the database... how does one go about adding it? For example, I searched for CONCRETE: Complete SHORT STORIES 1986-1989, THOR: Death of ODIN (TPB), Fantastic Four (King-Size) Special #8 and a handful of others with no luck. Thanks for the help.
Sunday, December 06, 2009 7:27:20 PM
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jacolby1313 wrote:
Quick question... I'm new to CCL, so bear with me. If a title can't be found in the database... how does one go about adding it? For example, I searched for CONCRETE: Complete SHORT STORIES 1986-1989, THOR: Death of ODIN (TPB), Fantastic Four (King-Size) Special #8 and a handful of others with no luck. Thanks for the help.

After you've double checked, this can be tricky as the may be listed different than you would expect.

That FF King Size is listed under FF Annuals.

Also, make sure you post in the right section to make sure you get a proper response.

You question would best be posted in the Library section;

Anyway, if you have searched thoroughly, you can then make a change request to add missing titles/comics to the database.

If I don't have what you need, please check out these other great CCL Stores;
BlueMoon Comics, ComicVortex,The Goblin's Cavern, Manhattan on Mars, Edgewood Comics,Hall of Heroes

Please visit my wonderfully amazing eBay store for loose figures, CDs, DVDs and much more; Alpha Comics.

Sunday, December 06, 2009 7:32:17 PM
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jnjcomics wrote:
...Something that would give us a total dollar figure of what we as sellers have listed. ...

That info is under the Summary section of the Reports on the software I think.

If I don't have what you need, please check out these other great CCL Stores;
BlueMoon Comics, ComicVortex,The Goblin's Cavern, Manhattan on Mars, Edgewood Comics,Hall of Heroes

Please visit my wonderfully amazing eBay store for loose figures, CDs, DVDs and much more; Alpha Comics.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:34:58 PM
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I haven't been on for about a year and wonder what new features have been added. Winter is coming and I need to get my collection updated.

Thursday, November 04, 2010 12:22:38 PM
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Mattmba wrote:
I haven't been on for about a year and wonder what new features have been added. Winter is coming and I need to get my collection updated.


Working on 4 updates to the site so far. First implementation is cleaning up invalidations in the system before adding any major new updates. BUT there are a couple smaller cosmetic changes that are done and ready to implement...if I can hold Joe down long enough to get them implemented. At Wits' End lol

Steve Boyd

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Thursday, November 04, 2010 9:19:16 PM
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Have you tried duct tape? Oh oh oh how about breakfast sandwiches?! Those always make a person slow down long enough to get knee capped...
Friday, April 08, 2011 12:49:26 PM
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I was just wondering if anything was being looked at for Mac users. I have four Macs and an old Pentium 4 PC I keep around just for CCL. The software should be expanded for Mac users so they don't have to either A) use a PC like me, or B) use Bootcamp or some other program to run Windows programs on a Mac. More and more users are going Mac so it just makes since. Apple is a more valuable company than Microsoft now so its time for everyone to get on board with Mac OS X. They even make Microsoft Office for Mac. All the new games come out for both platforms. There has to be a way to do it. Oh well, hope it happens sooner rather than later.
Friday, April 08, 2011 1:20:02 PM
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jonhagy2000 wrote:
...Apple is a more valuable company than Microsoft now so its time for everyone to get on board with Mac OS X...
Yeah, with their overbearing market penetration, they've got the world locked down!
Rolling on the Floor
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Send an email right away (don't delay!) to helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com
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You can also e-mail the Chief Brand Officer directly to try to resolve questions/stuff at steve@golocomedia.com for help with password resets, general customer service questions, store order resolution, credit card store updating, questions about comic books and CCL, etc...

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Take it upon yourself to judge me... and you damn yourself by declaring you are greater than the One.
Friday, April 08, 2011 1:56:53 PM
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Apple is a more valuable company but it's not because of the Mac. I do love Macs and a Mac version would be awesome though!

PS: Discount Codes
Friday, April 08, 2011 1:57:43 PM
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jonhagy2000 wrote:
I was just wondering if anything was being looked at for Mac users. I have four Macs and an old Pentium 4 PC I keep around just for CCL. The software should be expanded for Mac users so they don't have to either A) use a PC like me, or B) use Bootcamp or some other program to run Windows programs on a Mac. More and more users are going Mac so it just makes since. Apple is a more valuable company than Microsoft now so its time for everyone to get on board with Mac OS X. They even make Microsoft Office for Mac. All the new games come out for both platforms. There has to be a way to do it. Oh well, hope it happens sooner rather than later.

How about just asking for a Linux version instead? That would cover the Mac world as well as other OS's.

But, we won't even talk about your wholly incorrect statements.

Friday, April 08, 2011 1:58:15 PM
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jonhagy2000 wrote:
I was just wondering if anything was being looked at for Mac users. I have four Macs and an old Pentium 4 PC I keep around just for CCL. The software should be expanded for Mac users so they don't have to either A) use a PC like me, or B) use Bootcamp or some other program to run Windows programs on a Mac. More and more users are going Mac so it just makes since. Apple is a more valuable company than Microsoft now so its time for everyone to get on board with Mac OS X. They even make Microsoft Office for Mac. All the new games come out for both platforms. There has to be a way to do it. Oh well, hope it happens sooner rather than later.

Considering the full web interface that CCL has a vision of, I don't think you'll ever see a Mac specific version of the software itself.

The impression that I get, is that the database eventually will not require software at all, just a web browser.

(And that would be fine with me. Having access to my full collection and all features of the database from anywhere in the world and from any device with a web browser would be the cat's meow.)

Make sure that you read and understand the forum rules, here.

I haz a Blog
Friday, April 08, 2011 2:05:41 PM
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Location: Hawthorne, NJ
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SpidermanGeek wrote:
jonhagy2000 wrote:
I was just wondering if anything was being looked at for Mac users. I have four Macs and an old Pentium 4 PC I keep around just for CCL. The software should be expanded for Mac users so they don't have to either A) use a PC like me, or B) use Bootcamp or some other program to run Windows programs on a Mac. More and more users are going Mac so it just makes since. Apple is a more valuable company than Microsoft now so its time for everyone to get on board with Mac OS X. They even make Microsoft Office for Mac. All the new games come out for both platforms. There has to be a way to do it. Oh well, hope it happens sooner rather than later.

Considering the full web interface that CCL has a vision of, I don't think you'll ever see a Mac specific version of the software itself.

The impression that I get, is that the database eventually will not require software at all, just a web browser.

(And that would be fine with me. Having access to my full collection and all features of the database from anywhere in the world and from any device with a web browser would be the cat's meow.)

See - I'm just the opposite. I hate web based apps - I've found them to be slower and less reliable than a desktop based app.

The current CR system is so much slower to enter data in than the original CR system. Mainly because you can't just tab thru from field to field or data section to data section.

I like the idea of having access to your collection from anywhere via a web interface, but abhor the idea of ONLY having access via a web interface.
Friday, April 08, 2011 3:30:37 PM
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I'd love a linux based client. However, having it all be web based would be great too, better even. Can't wait.
Friday, April 08, 2011 5:04:16 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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I'm all for web-based if it doesn't slow my listing down.
Friday, April 08, 2011 5:04:19 PM
Rank: Beyonder
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I like the idea of being able to access all of my data via the internet, but I'd like that to be more of a 'back-up' so I can still keep all the data on my PC.
Like Scott said, I don't think it should ONLY be web-based - too many such programs that I use are just slow as molasses.
Need help with a Change Request?Click here to contact an approver!
Problems with CCL?
Send an email right away (don't delay!) to helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com
Offices are open M-F 8am-5pm Central Time.
You can also e-mail the Chief Brand Officer directly to try to resolve questions/stuff at steve@golocomedia.com for help with password resets, general customer service questions, store order resolution, credit card store updating, questions about comic books and CCL, etc...

There is only One who is fit to judge me. It most definetely isn't YOU.
Take it upon yourself to judge me... and you damn yourself by declaring you are greater than the One.
Friday, April 08, 2011 5:09:44 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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En_Sabah_Nur wrote:
I'd love a linux based client.

I would get behind a Linux client as well, it would be great to break the Microsoft habit
Friday, April 08, 2011 7:46:58 PM
Rank: Eternal
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Location: Nicholasville, KY
Joined: 7/30/2007 | Posts: 283 | Points: 2,390
Check your stocks man, Apple has moved between second and fourth for the last couple of months. Exxon Mobile (about 0.3 trillion), Apple (about 0.25 trillion), Wal-Mart (about 0.2 trillion), and Microsoft (about 0.25 trillion) have all been in the top four. The only one that is way ahead in first is Exxon Mobile. No one else is close. The others trade places back and fourth and Apple has been ahead at times over Microsoft. Per share, Apple is way ahead:

In mid-day trading, Apple shares briefly climbed to $292.76. That gave the company a market capitalization of $267.5 billion -- enough for it to top Chinese oil giant PetroChina for the No. 2 spot.

ExxonMobile is No. 1, with a market capitalization of more than $311 billion.

Apple slipped back to the No. 3 spot by market close, when its shares traded at $288.92.
Source: USA Today

As far as the games are concerned, when games like Starcraft 3 and these:

4x4 Evolution
4x4 Evolution 2
Aliens vs Predator 2
America's Army
Battlefield 1942
Battle for Wesnoth
Black Hawk Down
Call of Duty
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Call of Duty 2
Civilization IV - via direct IP or GameSpy
Close Combat: First To Fight
Command & Conquer (The original in OS 8)
Counter Strike: Source
Day of Defeat: Source
Deus Ex with multiplayer patch
Diablo II (OS 9, OS X)
Dominion 2
Doom 3
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
EVE Online
Freespace 2
Ghost Recon
Globulation 2
Hearts of Iron 1 & 2
Heretic II
Heroes of Newerth
Hexen II
Jedi Academy (Mods are cross-platform compatible as well)
Jedi Knight II
Killing Floor
Marathon (Aleph One)
Master of Orion 3
Massive Assault
Medal of Honor
Myth II: Soulblighter
Myth III: The Wolf Age
Myth: The Fallen Lords
Neverwinter Nights
No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2
Quake 2
Quake 3
Quake 4
Rainbow Six
Red Faction
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Rogue Spear
Soldier Of Fortune II
Star Chamber: the Harbinger Saga
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Star Trek: Elite Force II
StarCraft 2
Star Wars: Battlefront (but shaky, needs patch yet to be released)
Team Fortress 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Tremulous - PC and Mac downloads
Tron 2.0
Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2003
Unreal Tournament 2004
WarCraft II
WarCraft III
Wakeboarding Unleashed
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
World of Warcraft
WW2 Online
Source: Inside Mac Games

are all compatible, I 'll give that "all" may have been a bad word choice. However, my comments are not too far off.

Sunday, April 10, 2011 5:47:10 PM
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Xylob wrote:
I like the idea of being able to access all of my data via the internet, but I'd like that to be more of a 'back-up' so I can still keep all the data on my PC.
Like Scott said, I don't think it should ONLY be web-based - too many such programs that I use are just slow as molasses.


I'd really just like my collection to be visible on the web since I can see my Wish List and don't know if the unchecked ones are ones I own or things that have been added since I updated my Wish List last (if that makes sense).
Thursday, June 09, 2011 8:11:42 PM
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SwiftMann wrote:
Xylob wrote:
I like the idea of being able to access all of my data via the internet, but I'd like that to be more of a 'back-up' so I can still keep all the data on my PC.
Like Scott said, I don't think it should ONLY be web-based - too many such programs that I use are just slow as molasses.


I'd really just like my collection to be visible on the web since I can see my Wish List and don't know if the unchecked ones are ones I own or things that have been added since I updated my Wish List last (if that makes sense).

A cloud based CCL w/ a hard back-up on my 'pewter! So I can Access my collection anywhere!

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