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Friday, October 10, 2008 2:22:56 PM
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Comic Collector Live Forum Rules

RULE ONE: Don't use this forum to break US laws. We have to report you if you do.

RULE TWO: Don't post things on this forum to invade someone's privacy, defame, abuse, intimidate, harass, threaten or any such restatement of extremely bad manners.

RULE THREE: CCL terms of Service still apply.

For those of you who prefer your rules to be very detailed and legal sounding, here's an expanded list for you.

Comic Collector Live Forum Rules and Policies

Usage of these forums are subject to the general Comic Collector Live Terms and Conditions and the Forum Rules and Policies as specified here. These policies are meant as clarification of Comic Collector Live policies for the forums and do not change the effect of the terms and conditions.

The messages on this forum express the views of the message author and not necessarily the views of MidTen Media, Inc. or the Comic Collector Live staff. Any user that feels a message should be removed is encouraged to send a private message to any member of the CCL Employee or Administration groups or contact us by e-mail at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com. If we determine that removal of the message or other action is necessary, we will do so.

The Comic Book Talk, Comic Book Collecting and The Water Cooler sections of the message board are moderated by members chosen by CCL. These members can be identified by the label 'Moderator'. It is their responsibility to make sure, where possible, that discussion remains on topic and within the rules stated on this page.

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This site shall be governed by the laws of the United States. Anything which may be construed as illegal activity will be reported to authorities, along with any details held regarding the members involved.

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Arguing with Moderators, Forum Administrators or Administration after having received a warning will lead to an immediate additional warning. Should this exceed two strikes a temporary ban will be put in place as above.

If you feel you have been unfairly warned, you are welcome to contact Steve or Joe, their decision is final.

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Make sure that you read and understand the forum rules here

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Friday, October 10, 2008 6:30:26 PM
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Wow... what bothers me is the fact that these needed to be stated. Did something happen?
Friday, October 10, 2008 6:35:04 PM
Rank: Administration
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vp -- not exactly -- while there have been smaller brush ups, it's more that the moderators have expressed a need to have things clarified for the sake of civility, sanity and the general well being of all involved.
Settle down beavis.

Rules - binary solo....
Friday, October 10, 2008 6:40:08 PM
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Just curious, but how do moderators become moderators?

The following stores are all stores that I've dealt with or have become friends with through the forums and I highly recommend them all.
Comics Castle-AKA Pat McCauslin
Alpha Comics--ComicVortex--Comic Cellar--Hall of Heroes--Swifty's Olde Tyme Comic Shoppe

Friday, October 10, 2008 6:46:28 PM
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comicscastle wrote:
Just curious, but how do moderators become moderators?

Through strict initiation rites! Big Grin
Marvel Universe® ~ No-one Ever Really Dies.

Make sure that you read and understand the forum rules here
Friday, October 10, 2008 7:00:17 PM
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icarus201 wrote:
comicscastle wrote:
Just curious, but how do moderators become moderators?

Through strict initiation rites! Big Grin

The 'moderators guild' came to me in my sleep.

I need to get off Oblivion..
Friday, October 10, 2008 8:18:08 PM
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comicscastle wrote:
Just curious, but how do moderators become moderators?

Pfft, who cares? We're approvers, baby! WAY cooler than those dime-a-dozen Mods.
Friday, October 10, 2008 8:19:54 PM
Rank: Beyonder
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We have approvers????


What do they approve?
Friday, October 10, 2008 8:20:44 PM
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Capekiller wrote:
We have approvers????


What do they approve?

Beats me Think


Make sure that you read and understand the forum rules here
Friday, October 10, 2008 8:36:41 PM
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epcomics wrote:
Capekiller wrote:
We have approvers????


What do they approve?

Beats me Think

Nothing from you guys now, that's for sure! Devil
Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:32:38 PM
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I do not approve. Shame on You
Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:49:47 PM
Rank: Beyonder
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I say we give vacant a warning...

He obviously needs a lesson around respecting authority....
Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:55:05 PM
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Capekiller wrote:
I say we give vacant a warning...

He obviously needs a lesson around respecting authority....

*Hovers cursor over the shiny, candy apple red "nuke member" button only available to moderators*

Approve this! Muahahahahahahaha!!! Devil


"Evolution is overrated." - Gorilla Grodd
"So many cross-overs...So many tie-ins..I..need...more...CHARACTER!" - Secret Sacred Wars Roach
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Sunday, October 12, 2008 1:08:14 PM
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I know on some forums you can kinda put members in suspension for a few days they can log in and read everything just not post on the forums is that how its done here? Is kinda like a go stand in the corner for a bit.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008 1:10:23 PM
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Sirs wrote:
I know on some forums you can kinda put members in suspension for a few days they can log in and read everything just not post on the forums is that how its done here? Is kinda like a go stand in the corner for a bit.

There have been some suspensions.

All in all though, I think this is the best behaved Forum on the web. At least it will be once we get rid of that BigUgly guy....
Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:16:49 PM
Rank: Celestial
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Capekiller wrote:
I say we give vacant a warning...

He obviously needs a lesson around respecting authority....

Authori-wha? Never heard of it. Maybe somebody with it could explain what it is. You're knuckle-wacking-ruler has no effect on me here, Killer! HaHaHaHa! Cool
Thursday, November 04, 2010 10:24:20 PM
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Well folks it's time to plunk down my $30.00 and I am wondering what new features are coming. Will there ever be a droid app? any new functionality? I'm just saying that $30.00 is a little tougher to come by these days.
Friday, November 05, 2010 9:47:29 AM
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wolfdad wrote:
Well folks it's time to plunk down my $30.00 and I am wondering what new features are coming. Will there ever be a droid app? any new functionality? I'm just saying that $30.00 is a little tougher to come by these days.

1) Currently, developling a Droid app is in my CCL plan for 2011. For subscribers, we have made our data available for anyone wants to privately utilize our services to build an app of their own in advance of us, though. One of our members, ErrantEntertainment, is finishing up a Windows Mobile CCL app. We had some issues with our developers for the iPhone application, and it ended up taking longer than expected before it got finished. By the time it was done, advertisements for the Droid were coming out. Personally, I'm not a big fan of "chasing" technology. As soon as we finish a DROID app, will we then have to chase another tech? BUT. I do like the Droid, and I would like to see us move into that arena, so I'm going to try to get this developed for 2011.

2) We have streamlined our main page with a cleaner, sleeker look with less links and easier search capability, but I'm waiting for Joe to work this into the site. My guess this is a 1Q 2011 projection as well.

3) Along with those, I'm working on the Discount Code for CCL stores, potentially moving forward on the Price Guide function, AND a new version of the software itself, that will be compatible with *TRUMPETS* a MAC! In fact, I start testing it myself today. I encourage you to watch for my post for the next TOWN HALL CONFERENCE CALL with members in the CCL EVENTS section, where I personally chat with any member via phone about CCL, questions, upcoming stuff and whatnots...

Regardless, we recognize there's stuff needs be done. Yes, $30 is tougher to come by these days - but we do think we still stand out as one of the best values in this arena...and the planning for 2011 I'm doing hopefully will satisfy your desire for some new stuff to play around with on CCL! :) Thanks man!

Steve Boyd

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747 ext 103
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

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Friday, November 05, 2010 9:58:32 AM
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The_Valiant_One wrote:
AND a new version of the software itself, that will be compatible with *TRUMPETS* a MAC!


Friday, November 05, 2010 12:35:33 PM
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caseysorrow wrote:
The_Valiant_One wrote:
AND a new version of the software itself, that will be compatible with *TRUMPETS* a MAC!


Give it some time. Got some kinks in it to work out. But at least I've got a beta to test :)

Steve Boyd

You can reach us by phone at (615) 264-4747 ext 103
and you can e-mail us at helpdesk@comiccollectorlive.com

Check out my official CCL YouTube show:SUPER MEGA COMIC ACTION NEWS AT MIDNIGHT!
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