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Married Characters and other Identity Crises

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Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:12:02 AM
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We just voted over in the Approver lounge to work on consolidating characters who have, for various reasons, changed their "real name" over the years. The most common reason for this change is marriage.

The way we will be handling these combined character names will be by listing the various names seperated by a slash (/). In addition to merging names, we will also be editing some existing merged names to a more proper form.

This purpose of this thread is to seek out candidates for the merger, and to host any discussion needed on the proper form a particular merger should take. I'll kick it off by listing the names in the database that have already been pointed out, along with my suggestions for the combined/updated name. I'll maintain this list as the discussion continues.

On some of the larger mergers, I think we can leverage Mr. Miracle's scripting ability to perform the merges and save us hundreds of edits. The smaller merges can be handled individually when we've figured out exactly what the merged name should be.

Source Name(s) -> New Entry
  • Janet Van Dyne, Janet Pym -> Janet Van Dyne / Janet Pym
  • Marlo Chandler Jones -> Marlo Chandler / Marlo Jones
  • Betty Ross, Betty Ross-Banner -> Betty Ross / Betty Banner
  • Charity, Charity O'Dare -> Charity / Charity O'Dare
  • Betty Brant Leeds -> Betty Brant / Betty Leeds
  • Jean Grey-Summers -> Jean Grey / Jean Summers
  • James (Jim) "Logan" Howlett -> Logan / James "Jim" Howlett
  • Jennifer "Jen" Walters -> Jennifer "Jen" Walters / Jennifer "Jen" Jameson
  • Susan "Sue" Storm-Richards -> Susan "Sue" Storm / Susan "Sue" Richards
  • Mary Jane Watson, Mary Jane Watson-Parker -> Mary Jane Watson / Mary Jane Watson-Parker
  • Lyja, Lyja Storm -> Lyja / Lyja Storm
  • Elizabeth "Liz" Allan Osborn -> Elizabeth "Liz" Allan / Elizabeth "Liz" Osborn
  • Tim Drake -> Tim Drake / Tim Wayne
  • Dr. Marla Madison, Doctor Marla Jameson -> Doctor Marla Madison / Doctor Marla Jameson

    Update: I've submitted change requests on all the above up to Liz Allen.
  • Megalomaniac Extraordinaire
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:38:46 AM
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    Only one thought here, for the sake of shortness on the entries, what about no repeating first names??

    "Jennifer "Jen" Walters / Jennifer "Jen" Jameson" becomes...
    "Jennifer "Jen" Walters / Jameson"

    Before we had to repeat, because that is the only way the software search worked. But now that isn't true.
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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:45:55 AM
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    As the first names (or first+shortened+middle) names get longer, I agree, but for the shorter names, I just think "Betty Brant / Betty Leeds" is easier to understand. So I'm not sure which way to go. What do the others think?
    Megalomaniac Extraordinaire
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:06:02 AM
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    I see the value at the longer names, for sure, and see your point, but if we go one way or another, they all should be that. That way no one has to decide which way should it be.

    I don't mind long names, but that was the biggest objection to combining them, so I was looking for an answer that helped that idea out.
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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:09:10 AM
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    Also, being careful not to mix different characters here. Like in the Ultimate Universe, Wand and Pietro are Lehnsherr, in the normal universe they are Maximoff. These should not be combined, and while this kinda applies to Janet Pym, she is better off combined because she has been called both in the same universe. So only those that are mixed in the same universe should be combined, then the issue of different universes is dealt with in a separate step, like has been discussed before, when the Character DB gets an overhaul.
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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:27:19 AM
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    sgriffin wrote:
    Source Name(s) -> New Entry
  • Janet Van Dyne, Janet Pym -> Janet Van Dyne / Janet Pym
  • Marlo Chandler Jones -> Marlo Chandler / Marlo Jones
  • Betty Ross, Betty Ross-Banner -> Betty Ross / Betty Banner
  • Charity, Charity O'Dare -> Charity / Charity O'Dare
  • Betty Brant Leeds -> Betty Brant / Betty Leeds
  • Jean Grey-Summers -> Jean Grey / Jean Summers
  • Tim Drake -> Tim Drake / Tim Wayne
  • James (Jim) "Logan" Howlett -> Logan / James (Jim) Howlett
  • Jennifer "Jen" Walters -> Jennifer "Jen" Walters / Jennifer "Jen" Jameson

  • Susan "Sue" Storm-Richards -> Susan "Sue" Storm / Susan "Sue" Richards

    And I think the full name needs to be repeated. I found Keith's example of Jennifer "Jen" Walters / Jameson confusing.
  • Spider-Man
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:15:20 PM
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    Mary Jane Watson, Mary Jane Watson-Parker -> Mary Jane Watson / Mary Jane Watson-Parker

    For some reason, all the "Mary Jane Watson" characters became invalid with directions to use "Mary Jane Watson-Parker". That is incorrect because it changed all her appearances before she got married (which never really happened!?!) to the married name. She needs to have a slashed name.
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:21:11 PM
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    Spider-Man wrote:
    Mary Jane Watson, Mary Jane Watson-Parker -> Mary Jane Watson / Mary Jane Watson-Parker

    For some reason, all the "Mary Jane Watson" characters became invalid with directions to use "Mary Jane Watson-Parker". That is incorrect because it changed all her appearances before she got married (which never really happened!?!) to the married name. She needs to have a slashed name.

    Been waiting for someone to suggest that one. I added it to the list.
    Megalomaniac Extraordinaire
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:40:19 PM
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    short reminder -- there's a hard data limit of 255 characters for a character name (and over 100 characters starts looking REEEEAAAAL ugly).
    Settle down beavis.

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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:51:13 PM
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    So far we're at a max of 48 characters. Unless She-Hulk gets married to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt we should be fine.
    Megalomaniac Extraordinaire
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:31:13 PM
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    most women go by the current name of the person they are married to not all of them.If your going to used married names do it right. Looks stupid doing it with all the married names, just my opinion nothing more
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    Our Little Binga
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:38:37 PM
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    Sirs wrote:
    most women go by the current name of the person they are married to not all of them.If your going to used married names do it right. Looks stupid doing it with all the married names, just my opinion nothing more

    I have no idea what you're trying to suggest. Could you give an example of how you would "do it right" instead of just complaining that it looks stupid?
    Megalomaniac Extraordinaire
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:10:46 PM
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    Sirs wrote:
    most women go by the current name of the person they are married to not all of them.If your going to used married names do it right. Looks stupid doing it with all the married names, just my opinion nothing more
    That may be true, however using only Susan "Sue" Richards would only work in noting comics she appears after marriage. She was not Richards in the early issues yet so should not be listed as such. Having the merged listing does show that this is the same person.

    On another issue why is it Logan / James (Jim) Howlett and not Logan / James "Jim" Howlett, there seems to be an inconsistency here.

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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:15:55 PM
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    DaLeah96 wrote:
    On another issue why is it Logan / James (Jim) Howlett and not Logan / James "Jim" Howlett, there seems to be an inconsistency here.

    This sort of constructive feedback is exactly why I put the topic up and requested comments on it instead of just going out on my own and hacking up the database. Thanks Dale - I fixed it.
    Megalomaniac Extraordinaire
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:18:47 PM
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    Sirs wrote:
    most women go by the current name of the person they are married to not all of them.If your going to used married names do it right. Looks stupid doing it with all the married names, just my opinion nothing more

    If what your talking about is adding it to anyone who gets married, that is correct, we wouldn't. No name get changed until someone calls them that, or the Publisher starts using it. Did Lois Lane ever go by Lois Kent?? If no, then it does not get added. But Jen is credited as Jameson on her trading cards and the Marvel site, so that is enough.
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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:52:36 PM
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    sgriffin wrote:
    So far we're at a max of 48 characters. Unless She-Hulk gets married to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt we should be fine.

    Here's a long one already in the database:

    Abigail "Abby" Arcane / Abigail "Abby" Cable / Abigail "Abby" Holland

    And thanks, now I have that stupid song in my head!!
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:40:42 PM
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    sgriffin wrote:
    Sirs wrote:
    most women go by the current name of the person they are married to not all of them.If your going to used married names do it right. Looks stupid doing it with all the married names, just my opinion nothing more

    I have no idea what you're trying to suggest. Could you give an example of how you would "do it right" instead of just complaining that it looks stupid?

    What I meant is not useing all the last names of marriages before I don't mean separately, I mean all of them in one instance understand?
    You Gotta Go Here

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    Our Little Binga
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:50:24 PM
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    Sirs wrote:
    sgriffin wrote:
    Sirs wrote:
    most women go by the current name of the person they are married to not all of them.If your going to used married names do it right. Looks stupid doing it with all the married names, just my opinion nothing more

    I have no idea what you're trying to suggest. Could you give an example of how you would "do it right" instead of just complaining that it looks stupid?

    What I meant is not useing all the last names of marriages before I don't mean separately, I mean all of them in one instance understand?

    Do you mean only use the current married name without any slashes?

    That would not work because it would create a new character and the links to the former, unmarried character may get lost.
    Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:53:20 PM
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    ntkeith wrote:
    Also, being careful not to mix different characters here. Like in the Ultimate Universe, Wand and Pietro are Lehnsherr, in the normal universe they are Maximoff. These should not be combined, and while this kinda applies to Janet Pym, she is better off combined because she has been called both in the same universe. So only those that are mixed in the same universe should be combined, then the issue of different universes is dealt with in a separate step, like has been discussed before, when the Character DB gets an overhaul.

    I'm with you on this point. Especially in the case of the Wasp. In the Ultimate Universe she is only referred to as 'Janet Pym'. As far as I know, there hasn't been a mention of her maiden name. So combining Van Dyne and Pym might lead to unnecessary misleading data.
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    Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:58:27 PM
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    icarus201 wrote:
    ntkeith wrote:
    Also, being careful not to mix different characters here. Like in the Ultimate Universe, Wand and Pietro are Lehnsherr, in the normal universe they are Maximoff. These should not be combined, and while this kinda applies to Janet Pym, she is better off combined because she has been called both in the same universe. So only those that are mixed in the same universe should be combined, then the issue of different universes is dealt with in a separate step, like has been discussed before, when the Character DB gets an overhaul.

    I'm with you on this point. Especially in the case of the Wasp. In the Ultimate Universe she is only referred to as 'Janet Pym'. As far as I know, there hasn't been a mention of her maiden name. So combining Van Dyne and Pym might lead to unnecessary misleading data.

    Strike that. I checked Marvel.com. They've got Van Dyne listed as her maiden name. Should have checked first.
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