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Monday, June 15, 2009 3:26:23 PM
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Director, Martin Campbell's $150 million monster, Green Lantern seems to be moving forward. In an interview with Sci-Fi, screenwriter, Marc Guggenheim reveals some details (albeit minor) about the upcoming comic adaptation. According to Guggenheim, a new draft of the script has been submitted, (which was collaborated by himself along with Michael Green and the film's previous director, Greg Berlanti.) With the production expected to be based in Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia, the film in itself, will provide their nation with a much-needed stimulus package (topical satire, don't just feel smart, already?)

For those pondering the inevitable questions about the film's direction, Guggenheim has revealed that it will indeed, be based on the Hal Jordan, the version of Green Lantern established by DC in the Silver Age of comics, and will also focus on the famed Green Lantern Corps. Unfortunately, while he was unable to reveal much more than that, he did emphasize on the creative intentions that their team had for the project.

"You know I really can't [say anything], I've sworn a blood oath of secrecy in relation to the project. But, you know, the thing I can tell you is that it is a very loving and respectful approach. The goal here is to do the best cinematic representation of the Green Lantern character. You know, there's no desire on anyone's part to completely change the character and just call this other character Green Lantern and try to ... draft off the name recognition. This is all about 'How do we bring the best version of this character to the silver screen?'"

It's not completely unfeasible to put the Green Lantern story on the big screen, or in any kind of live-action context, for that matter. (Which makes it kind of odd that it has yet to be done.) As a film, it could fall into the paradigm of "an ordinary man who has an unlikely encounter, is given great power, and now has been thrust into an existence having the heavy responsibility of saving the galaxy." (Which could be a combination of any superhero film, with the 1984 classic, The Last Starfighter.) However, in the comics, Hal Jordan was a Test Pilot (hardly and "ordinary Joe" that people can identify with.) So, that leads us to the question of whether or not the key points of the characters or plot will have to be altered. Is he going to be a Test Pilot or an Accountant? A Tony Stark or a Peter Parker? According to Guggenheim:

"We've drawn heavily from ... a lot of different sources in terms of the comic books. ... The character ... is several decades old, so ... we've really had an incredible amount of source material to cherry-pick from."

Based on that, it seems like there isn't much intention to alter anything. However, I don't think many would complain if they deviated a bit from the canon, if it was interfering with the flow of the film. You may see a lot of "casual geeks" walking around the streets in those green t-shirts with the Green Lantern symbol on the chest. However, I seriously doubt there are enough people who are THAT connected with Hal Jordan's origin story, where some changes in the film would hurt.

Finally, regarding the rumors of the supposed casting of Bradley Cooper or Chris Pine for the starring role, Guggenheim has said "They're all false." Although, he would follow:

"I mean, they're all false insofar as we haven't chosen anyone yet. They're still in the negotiations, you know? There's a lot of names being talked about, and there's a lot of people being met, and a lot of ... actors reading the script. But if you read online [that] Pauly Shore's been cast as Hal Jordan, I can guarantee you we have not cast anyone."

Hey! Pauly Shore's groundbreaking performance in In The Army Now, showed that he has what takes to be an action star! So there you have it, folks. "The Weasel" has been screwed once again!

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Monday, June 15, 2009 3:33:14 PM
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Based on that, it seems like there isn't much intention to alter anything. However, I don't think many would complain if they deviated a bit from the canon, if it was interfering with the flow of the film. You may see a lot of "casual geeks" walking around the streets in those green t-shirts with the Green Lantern symbol on the chest. However, I seriously doubt there are enough people who are THAT connected with Hal Jordan's origin story, where some changes in the film would hurt.

That comment makes me worry a little. It makes me wonder if they are disconnected with what is going on in the comics, because Green Lantern is one of the top selling comics right now and has been for the last few years. So there are indeed fans that "connected" to Green Lantern. This was the kind of attitude that they had about Superman Returns and the changes they made to the character in there, and look how that turned out. I REALLY hope they don't scew this up.

It might be smart of them to consult some GL writers like Geoff Johns, Ron Marz, Darryl Banks, Steve Englehart, and others.

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Monday, June 15, 2009 9:17:38 PM
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BurningDoom wrote:
Based on that, it seems like there isn't much intention to alter anything. However, I don't think many would complain if they deviated a bit from the canon, if it was interfering with the flow of the film. You may see a lot of "casual geeks" walking around the streets in those green t-shirts with the Green Lantern symbol on the chest. However, I seriously doubt there are enough people who are THAT connected with Hal Jordan's origin story, where some changes in the film would hurt.

That comment makes me worry a little. It makes me wonder if they are disconnected with what is going on in the comics, because Green Lantern is one of the top selling comics right now and has been for the last few years. So there are indeed fans that "connected" to Green Lantern. This was the kind of attitude that they had about Superman Returns and the changes they made to the character in there, and look how that turned out. I REALLY hope they don't scew this up.

It might be smart of them to consult some GL writers like Geoff Johns, Ron Marz, Darryl Banks, Steve Englehart, and others.


I agree BD, not sure I like the sound of that. The director doesn't sound like he's much of a fan. He sounds more interested in changing things to make the property his own thing. Let's hope he just means little tweaks.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:19:12 AM
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I think the part you're quoting is the opinion of the guy blogging the piece, not the director. Also, it sounds like he's speculating based on his own opinion rather than what somebody has said. I'd have to agree that the number of hardcore GL fans isn't huge like Wolverine or Batman. I mean, GL's sales are huge now, but everybody's sales are huge when they get relaunched. On top of that, GL is REALLY REALLY GOOD right now, but it's one of those things where this book will run for 100 issues or so and then they'll cancel it and relaunch it again after that.

At least DC doesn't do what Marvel does - Relaunch a book starting at #1, and then resume the original numbering when it gets to be a milestone issue, then they cancel it, relaunch it at #1, and then resume original numbering again, and again, and again, and again.

When people say, "How much will you give me for my Captain America #1?" and I'm like, "Which one?" You know it's bad.

Anyway, back on topic, I don't think there are a whole lot of GL supergeeks, but I think the few GL supergeeks that do exist are probably some of the loudest and proudest, so the producers of the film will have to deal with them. But I don't expect them to make a movie just for 14 people.

Again, I think my idea of an action-comedy would really kick ass, because the GL movie will BOMB if they make it all serious. Even if they don't go the comedy route, they have to keep it light, or it will SUCK. I would think David Boreanaz would make a good Hal, I'd believe him as a pilot. Maybe he's too tall? Too ripped? He'd rock, though. Or Nathan Fillion from the fake trailer. Get The Rock to be Kilowog.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:31:36 AM
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ninjapirategear wrote:
Again, I think my idea of an action-comedy would really kick ass, because the GL movie will BOMB if they make it all serious. Even if they don't go the comedy route, they have to keep it light, or it will SUCK. I would think David Boreanaz would make a good Hal, I'd believe him as a pilot. Maybe he's too tall? Too ripped? He'd rock, though. Or Nathan Fillion from the fake trailer. Get The Rock to be Kilowog.

You're absolutley crazy. I would NEVER, EVER want to see GL as an action-comedy. But I'm totally with you on David Boreanaz as Hal. He did awesome as his voice in Justice League: New Frontier. (What a masterpiece of a cartoon!)

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:05:37 AM
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BurningDoom wrote:
ninjapirategear wrote:
Again, I think my idea of an action-comedy would really kick ass, because the GL movie will BOMB if they make it all serious. Even if they don't go the comedy route, they have to keep it light, or it will SUCK. I would think David Boreanaz would make a good Hal, I'd believe him as a pilot. Maybe he's too tall? Too ripped? He'd rock, though. Or Nathan Fillion from the fake trailer. Get The Rock to be Kilowog.

You're absolutley crazy. I would NEVER, EVER want to see GL as an action-comedy. But I'm totally with you on David Boreanaz as Hal. He did awesome as his voice in Justice League: New Frontier. (What a masterpiece of a cartoon!)


I'm fully with Nate here. An action-comedy would be so lame. Why not cast Jack Black or Will Ferrell as Hal then? Go the whole 9 yards for suck.

Though I too agree that David Boreanaz would rock as Hal.


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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:51:31 PM
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JRaup wrote:
BurningDoom wrote:
ninjapirategear wrote:
Again, I think my idea of an action-comedy would really kick ass, because the GL movie will BOMB if they make it all serious. Even if they don't go the comedy route, they have to keep it light, or it will SUCK. I would think David Boreanaz would make a good Hal, I'd believe him as a pilot. Maybe he's too tall? Too ripped? He'd rock, though. Or Nathan Fillion from the fake trailer. Get The Rock to be Kilowog.

You're absolutley crazy. I would NEVER, EVER want to see GL as an action-comedy. But I'm totally with you on David Boreanaz as Hal. He did awesome as his voice in Justice League: New Frontier. (What a masterpiece of a cartoon!)


I'm fully with Nate here. An action-comedy would be so lame. Why not cast Jack Black or Will Ferrell as Hal then? Go the whole 9 yards for suck.

Though I too agree that David Boreanaz would rock as Hal.

LOL, ninja and I had a discussion about the comedy route a while back. You are so alone on that concept, NPG!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:53:33 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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KingZombie wrote:
JRaup wrote:
BurningDoom wrote:
ninjapirategear wrote:
Again, I think my idea of an action-comedy would really kick ass, because the GL movie will BOMB if they make it all serious. Even if they don't go the comedy route, they have to keep it light, or it will SUCK. I would think David Boreanaz would make a good Hal, I'd believe him as a pilot. Maybe he's too tall? Too ripped? He'd rock, though. Or Nathan Fillion from the fake trailer. Get The Rock to be Kilowog.

You're absolutley crazy. I would NEVER, EVER want to see GL as an action-comedy. But I'm totally with you on David Boreanaz as Hal. He did awesome as his voice in Justice League: New Frontier. (What a masterpiece of a cartoon!)


I'm fully with Nate here. An action-comedy would be so lame. Why not cast Jack Black or Will Ferrell as Hal then? Go the whole 9 yards for suck.

Though I too agree that David Boreanaz would rock as Hal.

LOL, ninja and I had a discussion about the comedy route a while back. You are so alone on that concept, NPG!

Lol. I remember reading that Jack Black was concidered for GL years back and I got really excited. I'd love for a major property like that to be completely made fun of.

I can honostly see Wonder Woman going that route. I would love it.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:31:33 PM
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scaryhead wrote:
KingZombie wrote:
JRaup wrote:
BurningDoom wrote:
ninjapirategear wrote:
Again, I think my idea of an action-comedy would really kick ass, because the GL movie will BOMB if they make it all serious. Even if they don't go the comedy route, they have to keep it light, or it will SUCK. I would think David Boreanaz would make a good Hal, I'd believe him as a pilot. Maybe he's too tall? Too ripped? He'd rock, though. Or Nathan Fillion from the fake trailer. Get The Rock to be Kilowog.

You're absolutley crazy. I would NEVER, EVER want to see GL as an action-comedy. But I'm totally with you on David Boreanaz as Hal. He did awesome as his voice in Justice League: New Frontier. (What a masterpiece of a cartoon!)


I'm fully with Nate here. An action-comedy would be so lame. Why not cast Jack Black or Will Ferrell as Hal then? Go the whole 9 yards for suck.

Though I too agree that David Boreanaz would rock as Hal.

LOL, ninja and I had a discussion about the comedy route a while back. You are so alone on that concept, NPG!

Lol. I remember reading that Jack Black was concidered for GL years back and I got really excited. I'd love for a major property like that to be completely made fun of.

I can honostly see Wonder Woman going that route. I would love it.

Alright, correction ninja, you got one backer, lol.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1:02:24 PM
Rank: Herald of Galactus
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I didn't even realize that David Boreanaz had already done his voice, that's awesome. I also think he would have done well as Superman.

I just think a lighthearted approach to GL would be the only way it could be good. If they try to make this movie serious, it's going to be the biggest piece of crap ever made, and everybody's going to complain about how cheesy it seemed and nobody is even going to go see it except hardcore GL fans.

This movie can NOT be more serious than Iron Man was, and on top of that it should have more comedy because the character of GL is much less relatable to a casual watcher than Iron Man. He's not a character like Spider-Man, who has these fantastic superpowers but everybody knows who he is and what his powers are, so they won't be like, "this is ridiculous." Nobody that doesn't read comics has a clue who GL is, so the movie is already going to be weighed down with origins and explanations, and then they're going to try and make whatever the main threat in the movie is seem super serious and it's going to seem way too over the top to believe.

Just like I said that having 47 supervillains in Spider-Man 3 was a bad idea, everybody was like, "No, it'll be great, it's got Venom." Who was right?
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