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Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:53:31 AM
Rank: Beyonder
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JoBlo.com wrote:
The heirs to "Superman" co-creator Jerry Siegel filed suit against both DC Comics and Warner Bros. in years past claiming they were robbed of money throughout various dealings over the years. On Wednesday, a US District Court judge ruled that the Siegels are only allowed to seek profits from DC Comics and not Warner Bros, who obviously had a hand in "Smallville" and the SUPERMAN movies.

OK that's all well and good but what does it mean to the SUPERMAN film franchise? Warner Bros. head Alan Horn testified at the trial about the future of the SUPERMAN franchise at the studio saying that while they "hoped" to make another film, "the property wasn't under development" and "no script had been written." Perhaps even more interesting was the court's ruling that if Warner Bros. did not begin production on a new SUPERMAN movie by 2011, "the Siegels will be able to sue to recover their damages."

So will it be worthwhile to actively begin developing a SUPERMAN movie so that production can begin in two years? Considering how long it took to get SUPERMAN RETURNS made that's not exactly a lot of time...

Extra Tidbit: In 2013 the rights to "Superman" revert to the families of Siegel and co-creator Joe Shuster and no related property may begin without a license from their families.

JoBlo.com wrote:
With that recent lawsuit forcing WB to come up with a new Superman project by 2011, the studio is apparently in full-panic mode and the title is again sizzling-hot with top priority status. The folks from IESB, usually pretty much on the dot regarding explosive rumors, spent their post-Comic Con week grilling everyone they could about it, and it comes down to this: Singer's out, Routh's not a given, and a short list or directors is being strongly considered.

Sitting on top of the pile? The guys who knocked us on our ass with that red pill 10 years ago, the Wachowski Siblings. Right after them is their frequent collaborator James McTiegue, whose upcoming NINJA ASSASSIN produced by the...whatever they call themselves, is touted as one sick action flick. So chances are all 3 will be involved, 2 producing and the other helming.

Of course some will point out last year's money-sinking SPEED RACER or the two over-indulgent MATRIX sequels, but fact remains those guys know their comics, they kick-ass visually, and in 1999 they completely shattered the limits of what can be done with an action flick. Which is exactly what Clark Kent needs at this point: in-your-face stinking action galore! Those 3 guys unleashed on Big Blue? That would definitely be the motherfriggin shot in the arm the franchise deserves!

Of course right now it's still just a rumor, but one from a usually reliable site. Besides, WB can't afford to lose any more time, so ladies and gents start your predictions, because we're bound to get something solid soon! Who'll be the big guy? Who'll be the villain? Who will wait in line to see that? Get the full story over at IESB.

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Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:07:00 PM
Rank: Beyonder
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I hope this movie is good. But since it's being rushed into production, I doubt it will be. We never even may see the movie. There was a Fantastic Four movie made in the 90s that never saw the light of day, I have a bootleg copy of it from a convention (it's bad). The only reason Marvel made the movie was to retain movie rights. Marvel made a cheap as hell movie that costed nearly nothing and never released it. So all DC has to do is make a Superman movie, they don't have to release it.

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Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:15:12 PM
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BurningDoom wrote:
I hope this movie is good. But since it's being rushed into production, I doubt it will be. We never even may see the movie. There was a Fantastic Four movie made in the 90s that never saw the light of day, I have a bootleg copy of it from a convention (it's bad). The only reason Marvel made the movie was to retain movie rights. Marvel made a cheap as hell movie that costed nearly nothing and never released it. So all DC has to do is make a Superman movie, they don't have to release it.


Actually, it wasn't Marvel that made the movie, it was the movie studio that owned the film rights. Can't remember their name at the moment.

Also, the first Batman movie was rushed into production when they heard a Spider-Man movie was being made. The Spider-Man movie went into development hell but the Batman movie was still rushed and was a huge blockbuster. So, it's not always an indication that it will suck.
Saturday, August 01, 2009 8:54:11 PM
Rank: Beyonder
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Location: Orleans, Ontario
Joined: 5/9/2007 | Posts: 8,597 | Points: 46,128
And remember, Warner only needs to START production by 2011. It doesn't say the movie has to be released in 2011. That's plenty of time to write a script, get a crew together and cast

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