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Sunday, May 09, 2010 5:43:19 AM
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Man, aren't we all lucky nerds to be living in this time? As comic book fans, we've been spoiled over the last 10 years with comic based movies coming out every year. I know they've tried to make films of Captain America, Punisher, Nick Fury, and Fantastic Four in the 80's and 90's but they were all failures and some never hit the big screen or even finished production. It was pretty embarassing stuff.
Now we've seen major stars acting in comic based movies. Stories that are well written and fx that blow the mind. Granted, there have been some newer comic based films released that have flat out sucked. Hulk and Catwoman are a couple but all in all, I think DC and Marvel have done a good job lately giving us exciting films that us fans can appreciate and enjoy over and over again. There's more to come with Thor, Captain America, Avengers, Batman 3, and the Man of Steel eventually so we all have a lot to look forward to.

What comic based movies from X-Men to Iron Man 2 do you think are the best? Pick a few and share them with the rest. Tell us why you like them so much.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:19:20 AM
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I couldn't agree more. I remember a time as a child when comic movies were always bad, with Batman (1989) and the first 2 Superman movies being the only exceptions.

But I'd say it started with Blade, before even X-Men. Blade was an exceptional movie and the first modern comic film. Hell, even though it seems to get a lot of crap, I'll admit I liked Spawn even, which was before Blade.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010 10:04:43 AM
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Um, the best ones I've seen were Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Dark Knight, and Punisher War Zone.

But I also agree with Nate: the first two Superman movies kicked serious ass.Applause
Sunday, May 09, 2010 12:15:23 PM
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I don't think it's the "best" per se, but Spider-Man 1 proved that comic book movies can be liked by non-comic book fans.
Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:51:05 PM
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Blade was phenomenal. I loved every second of it. I do agree that Spiderman 1 was the movie that really opened things up in the modern age of comic films. X-Men was another that helped. And their sequels are two of the best comic movies of all time! Sure they stumbled with Spiderman 3 and X-men 3, but the mark has been made. Then Dark Knight brought comic movies to a whole nother lever. I think that hollywood has finally figured out that if nothing else, comic fans have disposible income, and that releasing crap to them doesn't get that money spent on their behalfs.
Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:05:30 PM
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I like all of them, but the first one that come to mind for me are:

Blade II
Spider-Man II
X-Men II

Those are probably my favorite ones.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:12:42 PM
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My favorite is X2 from Marvel and Dark Knight and Batman Begins from DC.

I haven't seen many of the others, but will start buying the Blu-rays.

I want to watch Iron Man 1 and 2 in order on Blu-ray!

Superman II (not the Donner cut) is STILL my all time favorite comic movie. I traveled hours just to meet Margot Kidder at a con, and have the "Go Forward" Christohper Reeve Foundation Key Chain. For this reason I'm collecting current Superman comics now since Zod is in them.
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Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:55:07 PM
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Hellboy 1&2
Blade 2
Hulk (not the Ang Lee version)
Iron Man
Dark Knight
Spidey 2 (wayyyy better than the first)

Out of the specified timeline:
History of Violence
The Mask
Superman 1&2 (actually just watched them lol)

I wonder if that X-Men: First Class movie will be any good
Sunday, May 09, 2010 7:05:40 PM
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All I've really liked (not animated) is

Iron Man 1 & 2
Batman Begins/TDK
Hellboy 1 & 2
Blade II
Spider-Man 1

Rest were either meh to Sick
Sunday, May 09, 2010 8:29:23 PM
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This really should be titled from Blade to Iron Man 2.

My favorites are:

Spider-man 2
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
X-Men 2
History of Violence

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Monday, May 10, 2010 1:50:13 PM
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*shakes an 8-ball* Ask me later.

You know that if Runaways come out and it's accurate it'll be my favorite comic book movie of 2000's, right?

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Monday, May 10, 2010 1:55:36 PM
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MER wrote:
*shakes an 8-ball* Ask me later.

You know that if Runaways come out and it's accurate it'll be my favorite comic book movie of 2000's, right?

And if it sucks?Laughing
Monday, May 10, 2010 3:00:23 PM
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DrFate wrote:
Man, aren't we all lucky nerds to be living in this time? As comic book fans, we've been spoiled over the last 10 years or so with comic based movies coming out every year.

When I started this thread, it was meant to be about the comic based movies we've had the pleasure of seeing in the past 10 years. Blade came out in 1998 while X-Men was released in 2000 so I think the thread title is fine. Blade 2 came out in 2002 and Blade 3 in 2004. Cool

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Monday, May 10, 2010 5:26:56 PM
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My favorites are Spiderman 1 & 2, Ironman 1 & 2, Incredible Hulk, Blade 1 & 2 and Batman Begins and the Dark Knight.
Monday, May 10, 2010 6:08:45 PM
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I've always like X-Men 3 even though it gets a lot of trash talking. I thought it was cool except for killing off Cyclops. What was up with that??

My faves are:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Dark Knight
Incredible Hulk
Iron Man
Batman Begins
Spiderman 2
Blade Trinity

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:41:48 PM
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BurningDoom wrote:
But I'd say it started with Blade, before even X-Men.

I agree that Blade deserves the credit for starting the wave of Marvel movies.

The success of Blade got X-Men greenlit and the success of X-Men got Spiderman greenlit.

It all goes back to Blade.

A wise man once said "Every day I thank god I'm an atheist."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:54:16 PM
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Blade was good but not great, imo. I put up there with Daredevil. I liked Blade 2 and Trinity better.

X-Men was the first Marvel movie that had characters running around in actual comic-like uniforms. I think that paved the way for Spiderman and using that actual Spidey outfit. There was always a fear of using the actual costume design of comic characters in a live action movie. Example: Hulk/Daredevil movie tv movie, Hulk/Thor tv movie, Captain America, & Fantastic Four 1990's movies.

Will there be a Blade 4? I know there was a short lived tv show but I hope to see another big screen movie. Though I doubt Snipes will be the star.

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