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SUPERHERO SHOWDOWN 1 - Official Rules and Details - Please Read

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:27:51 PM
Rank: Beyonder
Groups: Member, Super Hero Showdown Host
Location: Monrovia, MD
Joined: 5/13/2007 | Posts: 6,766 | Points: 113,240

Official Rules and Details

Please Read




Revised (7/25/2012)
Revised (8/22/2012) - Update to Voting Rules

Who can play?

Anyone who is interested can play.

You can participate by drafting and running a team of fighters. You can get involved by voting for the winner of any or all the fights. Or you can help by throwing your two cents in to try and persuade people to vote a certain way.


Draft Rules & Format

1. A Draft list of all the CCL members wanting to participate as a manager is put together; these names are loaded into an online randomizer to determine drafting order. There is a limit of two (2) managers per team.

2. The draft is a "snake draft", meaning that we start with whoever drew the first overall pick and move down the list to whoever drew the last pick. The person with the last pick chooses two fighters. Then we move back up the list towards number one who also chooses two players. (So if there are five contestants the draft would look like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, and so on.)

3. Using the established draft order, we begin selecting players. This is a live draft. Each manager has ten (10) hours to make his/her pick. We truly hope that it can go MUCH faster than the 10 hours per pick, but this allows accommodation for those who are busy. (You may also submit a list if foresee yourself being too busy when it comes time to your pick.)

4. If you are sending a list be sure to be specific on how you want us to use it.
• Are there any characters on your team that share identities with someone else. ?(eg. If someone were to simply say Captain Marvel, we need to know which one, if you don’t specify one of us will pick one for you.)
• Is the list in the order you would like your characters drafted?
• How do you want us to use your list? Pick for you the minute your turn comes up? Wait 1/2/3/4/5 hours in case you are able to get on? Note the maximum we will wait to pick for you is five (5) hours; we know you have 10 hours to pick, but let’s try to keep it moving where we can. If you don't give us a time frame we will wait two (2) hours before making your selection based on the instructions you have provided.

5. Each manager will draft five (5) characters total to make up their team. You do not have to wait 10 hours to make your pick; as a matter of fact you are encouraged to draft early. (i.e. If Manager A picks at noon and Manager B is ready to pick at 12:01 he/she can pick.)

6. The power cap for Superhero Showdown 1 will be Thor / Wonder Woman. The moderators will determine whether a character's powers exceed the set cap or meet the standards set. If you have questions about whether someone is under the cap, please email coc@comiccollectorlive.com, or PM Jim or LadyJay first.

7. Decisions on a character's eligibility for the draft power are based on the power cap and the character's power set at the time he/she is drafted.

8. In order to promote variety:
• Each team must have at least one female and one male character
• Each team characters must have at least one Marvel character and one DC character
A manager may not draft more than one character from any group whose members all have similar powers. In other words, if you draft Superman you cannot draft Supergirl. These groups include, but are not limited to, the Hulks, Nova Corp, Kryptonians, Lanterns (any color), and the Bat-Family.

9. Any "living" character in current (2012) continuity 616 Marvel Universe or the DC New 52 Universe New Earth and falls under the power cap limits is available for the draft. DC characters that have not been introduced into the New 52 are not eligible for the draft.

10. Unless the Time Bubble Card is played, characters from other times are only allowed if they currently reside in the present.

11. Alternate Universe exception: characters from Alternate (non-616, or New Earth) universes are only allowed if they currently reside in the 616 or New Earth Universe.

12. Once play starts, upgrades/downgrades to fighters powers in current continuity carry over to their powers/abilities for tournament purposes (that is, if a character gets a major power boost in the latest issue, they have the power boost in the tournament; conversely, if a character loses their powers in current continuity, they lose them in the tournament , too). While acknowledging that it is not always 100% accurate or up to date, the moderators will use the Marvel and DC wikis as a major source of information in resolving questions concerning powers and abilities.

13. The Time Bubble Card may be played to draft a player who lives in the past (ex., Members of the Demon Knights), is currently deceased, or lives in the future (ex., members of the Legion of Super-Heroes). If a deceased character drafted with this card is resurrected in current continuity, their status updates to whatever it is on their return. The Time Bubble Card may not be used to draft a character at anything other than the power levels they have in current continuity. (For example, if Hal Jordan does not have a working Green Lantern ring, the card cannot be used to draft an earlier version of the character with a working ring).

14. Deceased characters powers and abilities continue to be based on their status immediately prior to their death. This includes characters that die in current continuity during the course of the tournament.

15. If a manager wishes to dispute the eligibility of a character that has been declared over the cap, they should present their reasoning to the moderators in advance of their draft pick (please allow time for the moderators to discuss the question and reach a decision). Moderators can be contacted as a group by emailing coc@comiccollectorlive.com.

16. At any time a manager can challenge another manager's draft pick. If you feel that a character violates the eligibility rules (power level, living status, New Earth/616 eligibility, etc.) then you are to post an official challenge against the pick, directed to Jim, LadyJay, or The_Valiant_One, stating your argument. This challenge MUST be posted in the Draft thread so that all can see and weigh in. To avoid this problem if there is any question in your mind on the character please email coc@comiccollectorlive.com or PM Jim or LadyJay before drafting. Being not everyone will be able to follow the draft minute by minute, if there is a discrepancy, the draft will be suspended until the moderators are able to make a decision. We will check frequently.

17. Managers are also expected to give their team a cool name, either an existing team name or an original name. If you haven’t given your team a name by your first fight, don’t be surprised if we give it one for you!

Game Rules & Format

1. A schedule will be posted, indicating when and who each manager fights, as well as whether they are the home team or away team. (Home team advantage means that the home team picks the environment from a list of pre-determined environments.)

2. Fights will be scheduled so that there is no more than one round per week until the field is down to the final 3 teams, at which time there will be two fights scheduled each week until the winner is decided. (Managers can expect to have to submit about one fighter per week until we get close to the end of the competition.)

4. Fights will be posted between 9 and 10 pm CST on the evenings they are scheduled.

5. To share the load, both Jim and LadyJay will be posting fights. The moderator to submit to will be included on the fight schedule.

6. The preferred method of contacting the moderators is through email to coc@comiccollectorlive.com. This allows all of the game's moderators to view the same message and will provide the quickest response.

7. Managers need to submit their fighters to the moderators by emailing coc@comiccollectorlive.com, or PMing the fight's moderator, no later than 9 pm CST the night before their fight. The home team submits the environment as well. Rationales are not mandatory, but they do help.

8. If you even slightly suspect that you will be away for your fight, please email the moderators at coc@comiccollectorlive.com, or PM your fight's moderator, in advance with all of your fight info to avoid getting a strike.

9. Three strikes and you are removed from the tournament.

10. Polls will run for 24 hours. At the end of each 24 hour period and winner will be determined. Every fighter on your team must fight once before a fighter can be submitted a second time. Your order can change round to round, but a new fighter must be submitted each time. If you fail to submit 3 times, you will be eliminated from the competition.

11. Based on votes, the winner moves on and the losing character is eliminated from further competition. Ties will be voted on by the game moderators. We will not vote throughout the competition unless there is a tie and we will only count as one vote.

12. Managers may submit rationales in advance or during the battle for their fighters. Voters may give as much input as they like concerning a given battle.

13. (Revised 7/23/2012) The winner merely has to subdue his/her opponent. It is not a fight to the death. Wrapping somebody up, killing your opponent, knocking them out, rendering them incapable of fighting anymore and so on all count as victory. All a character has to do is prevent their opponent from being able to continue the fight during whatever time remains.
- A fighter forced out of the environment is not considered subdued. However a fighter who himself teleports away from a fight or flees in any manner is considered defeated.
- A fighter who is possessed or otherwise subjected to mind control is not automatically considered subdued. It is up to the managers to convince the voters that the "controlling" fighter is/isn't capable of maintianing such control through the remainder of the fight.

14. Where do fights begin?
a.) fighters begin the battle entering at opposite ends of the environment. (In a confined environment with only one entrance it will be assumed that they are transported to opposite ends of the area)
b.) fighters are fully aware that they are involved in a fight with their opponent.
c.) fighters then seek each other out. In a cell that is not so much a problem. In an open area it becomes a bit more difficult.

15. A fighter's personal status with regards to predicaments, incarceration, geographic location, etc. means NOTHING. (Just because someone is in jail, does not mean that they can't show up to a fight. Wolverine is currently stuck under a mountain? That doesn't mean he shows up to his fight with a mountain on top of him.) For the purposes of this tournament, it can be assumed that the characters are transported from whatever location they are normally in to the fight location.

16. There will only be 3 environments available to choose from each round. Each round, an environment will be taken away and one added. Additional environments will be posted, these could be previously used environments or environments that will be added in future rounds. All posted environments will be available for use by the Environment Steal Card (see below)

17. All environments are played out in real time, meaning that the fight takes place over the span of 24 hours (starting at 9pm and ending at 9pm the following day.) It is up to the managers to convince the voters of what those environments look like.

18. Players are free to use anything from the environment that the character could naturally use in a comic book written about the same area. Cyclops for instance is trained to fly the X-Jet; therefore it is assumed he can fly aircraft. The Iron Fist on the other hand has no proven flying experience. Creativity and convincibilty are the keys here.

19. Characters only bring with them the items they would normally have and may not leave the area to bring in nor summon more items or aides.

20. The power(s) that a character takes into a fight are their current powers unless stated otherwise in the fight listings.
- Managers and other CCL members are free to reference updates from current continuity in arguing their case during a fight.
- If for some reason an alternate power set is used, to avoid confusion we will specifically indicate the version of the player being submitted in the poll.
- As we all know, comic book characters’ powers change on a whim. Power upgrades/downgrades, for each and every fight, are based on the most current information available in comics, regardless of what the characyer's power was when they were drafted. This includes a character losing his/her powers. This is designed to add a unique and unpredictable twist to the tournament, as well as promote both managers and voters to do their research before voting, rationalizing, submitting. It would probably be a good idea for managers to mention their fighter’s status; if unique, in the fight thread to ensure clarity.
- The only exception to this rule will be if a player is killed, or was already deceased at the time of their draft, then they are submitted at their last known power level before they died.

21. The mods will step in to settle debates as a last resort only. However, we will be active throughout the fights and chime in to clarify if need be.

22. Battles will continue until one manager remains. Last character standing is the winner!

Voting Rules:

1. Anybody can vote (competitors, spectators, etc.)

2. CCL'ers are permitted to vote once per fight (including team managers.) If you have multiple CCL accounts, you may only vote from one of those accounts. To ensure fairness, multiple CCL users that live under the same roof should designate one person as the voter. This eliminates the possibility of "block" voting. (Ask us for clarification, if this is unclear to you.)

3. Even though it is a difficult task. The contestants are hoping voters vote with their head and not their heart. They want to see who would truly win the battle, not whose costume you hate the most.

4. Voters are encouraged to comment on why they are voting one way or another or ask questions of the team managers.

5. It is a good rule of thumb to hear from both managers before voting.

6. All votes are final, even if you accidentally push the wrong button!

7. While we invite and encourage all CCL members to participate in the tournament, we do ask that new members refrain from voting the first day they sign up for CCL. The intent of this rule is to discourage people from turning the game into a popularity contest by signing up just to vote in a friend’s fight.

8. Good Sportsmanship: There are way too many loopholes to write every single rule down. Many are common sense rules that just revolve around fair play and sportsmanship. The mods will step in whenever one of us feel someone is crossing the line with regards to dragging down the "spirit" of the game. We reserve the right to remove any manager that we feel is challenging the moral tone of the game.

Added 8/21/2012
9. The SuperHero Showdown Forum is a sub-section of the Comic Collector Live Forums and as such is subject to the forum rules and terms of service. Violations of the voting rules, particularly those relating to fairness and good sportsmanship are subject to disciplinary action in the same manner as violations of any other forum rules. These actions can range from warnings up to and including suspension from the forums. Actions taken in response to violations will be determined on a case by case basis after an evaluation of the circumstances and the severity of the violation.

Contacting the Moderators

The Superhero Showdown 1 Moderators may be contacted by emailing coc@comiccollectorlive.com. This email has been provided by CCL as a means for Superhero Showdown 1 participants to reach all 3 game moderators with a single message and is the preferred method of contact for Superhero Showdown 1questions, concerns and fight submittals.

Superhero Showdown Moderators may also be contacted individually through the CCL Private Message (PM) system. Please keep in mind that, unless you request otherwise, PMs containing questions and concerns regarding Superhero Showdown 1 will be shared and discussed among the game's moderators.


Rules for Cards

1. A list of available cards will be posted prior to the start of manager sign-ups. Each manager will be allowed to select five (5) of these cards for their use during the game.

2. A manger may only select one (1) copy of any single card type.

3. Managers should PM their card selections to LadyJay at least 24 hours prior to the start of the draft. The card selections will be kept confidential until the card is played.

4. The cards will have one time use applications.

5. While managers may select five (5) different cards available, each manager will only be able to play four (4) cards during the course of the game. Example a manger uses the Time Bubble Card during the draft, the Environment Steal Card in his first fight, Amalgam in his second, and Alternate Universe Card in his third. He’s now used his four cards and is not able to use any other cards. Please ask if this is unclear.


Cards Available

Cards available for selection in Superhero Showdown 1 are:

Playable during the draft -
o Time Bubble Card:

(Can only be played during the draft.) This card can be used to draft a fighter from the past (must be deceased in 2012 timeline) or future (not yet born in present timeline). As an example, this would allow a manager to draft a member of the Legion of Super Heroes who is not currently residing in 2012, or a character from the Demon Knights. Deceased characters will have the powers they had at the time of their death. If the character returns to continuity during the tournament, normal rules on power sets apply. Card must be played with the draft pick to which it applies. The Time Bubble Card may not be used to draft a past/future version character who exists in current continuity. (You can't use the Time Bubble Card to draft a character at anything other than the power levels they have in current continuity. For example, if Hal Jordan does not have a working Green Lantern ring, the card cannot be used to draft an earlier version of the character with a working ring). (Reworded last 2 sentences for clarification, I hope - 7/25/2012)

Played with fight submission -
o Environment Steal Card:

(must be submitted with fighter) Allows the Visiting Team manager to steal home field advantage, which lets him/her pick the environment. The user can choose any of the three environments for the current round or one of the posted "extra" environments. The Home Team manager may use the Environment Steal Card to access the extra environments. In the event both managers use their card, the pick reverts to the home team; the visiting manager is still charged with the use of the card.

o Possession Card:

(must be submitted with fighter) This is similar to the Temporary Insanity Card from past tournaments. The fighter is "possessed" by an entity that will cause him/her to act out of character for the duration of one fight. For Superhero Showdown 1, the fighter is in possession of a Black Diamond shard and possessed by Eclipso for the fight. The fighter takes on the personalities and abilities that are normally exhibited under this type of possession.

o Amalgam card:

(must be submitted with fighter) A manager may choose to amalgamate (combine) two (2) fighters on their team. The Amalgamated character would have the abilities of both fighters. Use of this card requires that the manager forfeit one of the two characters used in the Amalgam. This amalgamation of characters is only available for the fight in which the card is played. When using this card, the manager must submit a name for the Amalgamated character and the character to be forfeited at the time they submit for the fight.

o Multiverse Card:

(must be submitted with fighter) Allows the manager to switch his character for an alternate of the character from any non-616 Marvel / DC New Earth universe, such as AoA or Earth 2. Manager must submit a link to a wiki page confirming character and powers for clearance at least 24 hours prior to the fight. Characters summoned by the Multiverse card are not subject to the cap.

o Sorry About That Card:

(must be submitted with fighter) Cancels any pre-fight card(s) played by the opposing manager (Environment Steal, Amalgam, etc.) and prohibits both managers from using any other cards (Flee, Two-Point Conversion, Sour Grapes) during or after the fight.

o Photo Finish Card:

(must be submitted with fighter) Play this card when you submit your fighter if you think the outcome will be a tie. If the fight results in a tie, the manager may select another card from the pool and recieves an extra “card” play in the game (5 instead of 4). The extra card may be any card from the list, regardless of the manager’s original card selections).

Played during a fight -
o Flee Card:

Can be submitted at any time before the final outcome of a match is determined. The Flee Card allows a manager to have one of his/her characters run away from the fight. Instead of being eliminated this character is safely placed back into the managers rotation (unless the opposing manager counters with the I Don't Think So Card. This card must be played before the 24 hour poll closes.

o I Don't Think So Card:

Can be submitted at any time before the final outcome of a match is determined. This card overrides the FLEE Card. It can only be played AFTER an opponent plays "FLEE CARD" and before the fight ends (before the poll closes). It prevents the Fleeing Character from escaping the battle.

o Two Point Conversion Card:

Can be submitted at any time before the final outcome of a match is determined. Adds +2 votes in your character's favor to any one battle. Card can only be played during the fight (while the poll is open). This card must be played before the 24 hour poll closes.

Played after fight is complete (after the poll is closed) -
o Sour Grapes Card:

This card may be played by the losing team after the results are in (poll is closed) to steal one of winner's cards. To play the Sour Grapes Card, the losing manager posts in the Fight thread. One of the Game Hosts will enter the winning manager's remaining cards into the randomizer. The randomizer selects one of the winning manager’s remaining cards, which is then given to the losing manger. The identity of the "stolen" card will be posted in the fight thread. This does not change the number of cards a manager is allowed to play during the tournament. Only one Sour Grapes Card may be used against a manager during the tournament. (i.e., if Manager A plays the Sour Grapes Card against Manager B, no one else can use a Sour Grapes Card against Manager B.). The SOUR GRAPES Card must be played within 24 hours after the fight poll closes.

Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Prize packages include:
1st Place:
- $25 store credit, with Free Shipping, at Alpha Comics provided by pottersan at ALPHA COMICS
- 1 year subscription to ComicCollectorLive, provided by Comic Collector Live.
2nd Place:
- $15 store credit, with Free Shipping, at Alpha Comics provided by pottersan at ALPHA COMICS
3rd Place:
- $10 store credit, with Free Shipping, at Alpha Comics provided by pottersan at ALPHA COMICS

The manager of each team entering Superhero Showdown 1 will receive a 4 month (120) day ComicCollectorLive subscription, courtesy of Comic Collector Live.

1st, 2nd and 3rd place are determined based on sequence of elimination from the tournament. The 2nd to last team eliminated receives the 3rd place prize, the last team eliminated receives the 2nd place prize. 1st place goes to the team with a fighter(s) left at the end of the tournament.

Fine Print:
o In the case of teams with co-managers, prizes will be split between the managers. For CCL Subscriptions or store credit, the prizes will be split evenly between the managers (co-managers each receive 60 days of the 120 day subscription being provided to each team). In the case of tangible prizes, the division of the prizes may be decided by the team managers.

o Prizes will be awarded after the completion of the tournament.

o To be eligible to receive the 120 day CCL subscription, managers are expected to participate in the tournament until their team's natural elimination. In other words, teams that are eliminated by striking out (failure to submit a fighter for 3 fights), disqualification, or the manager's decision to withdraw will not receive the subscription.

o Managers are reminded of the following voting rule " CCL'ers are permitted to vote once per fight (including team managers.) If you have multiple CCL accounts, you may only vote from one of those accounts. To ensure fairness, multiple CCL users that live under the same roof should designate one person as the voter. This eliminates the possibility of "block" voting." To ensure fairness, the game moderators will be monitoring the voting. If there are multiple CCL users at your location, please make sure they are aware of this rule and abide by it. Any Manager(s) who are perceived to be in violation of this rule will be disqualified. Please keep this fair and fun.
I choose to speak with my pocket-book
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:39:19 PM
Rank: Beyonder
Groups: Member, Super Hero Showdown Host
Location: Monrovia, MD
Joined: 5/13/2007 | Posts: 6,766 | Points: 113,240
Revised Game Rules and Format #13.
I choose to speak with my pocket-book
Friday, August 03, 2012 2:07:33 PM
Rank: Beyonder
Groups: Beta, Guru, Member
Location: Redding, CA
Joined: 1/5/2007 | Posts: 12,829 | Points: 61,220
I have a question. Can I invite another board over to participate in this tournament? The board is Hero Realm, it's a pretty small community of comic fans that I've been a member of for even longer than I have here.

I'm not gonna use them simply for free votes, they're aren't like loyal best friends or anything. Just other comic fans that I thought might enjoy this.

I wanted to check first, since I know this sort of thing has been frowned upon with family and personal friends.
Make sure that you read and understand the forum rules here
Friday, August 03, 2012 4:23:14 PM
Rank: CCL Mobile App Dev
Groups: Member
Location: Everett, WA
Joined: 6/16/2007 | Posts: 10,451 | Points: 10,102,487
As long as line 7 of the Voting Rules is adhered to.

7. While we invite and encourage all CCL members to participate in the tournament, we do ask that new members refrain from voting the first day they sign up for CCL. The intent of this rule is to discourage people from turning the game into a popularity contest by signing up just to vote in a friend’s fight.
Friday, August 03, 2012 4:56:34 PM
Rank: Beyonder
Groups: Member, Super Hero Showdown Host
Location: Monrovia, MD
Joined: 5/13/2007 | Posts: 6,766 | Points: 113,240
Jim wrote:
As long as line 7 of the Voting Rules is adhered to.

7. While we invite and encourage all CCL members to participate in the tournament, we do ask that new members refrain from voting the first day they sign up for CCL. The intent of this rule is to discourage people from turning the game into a popularity contest by signing up just to vote in a friend’s fight.

Agreed. If the game attracts new people to the site, that's a benefit to CCL. We just ask that they honor the spirit of the game.
I choose to speak with my pocket-book
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 10:05:41 PM
Rank: Beyonder
Groups: Member, Super Hero Showdown Host
Location: Monrovia, MD
Joined: 5/13/2007 | Posts: 6,766 | Points: 113,240
Added item 9 to the Voting Rules section of the Rules and Details in the first post.

9. The SuperHero Showdown Forum is a sub-section of the Comic Collector Live Forums and as such is subject to the forum rules and terms of service. Violations of the voting rules, particularly those relating to fairness and good sportsmanship are subject to disciplinary action in the same manner as violations of any other forum rules. These actions can range from warnings up to and including suspension from the forums. Actions taken in response to violations will be determined on a case by case basis after an evaluation of the circumstances and the severity of the violation.


Please contact me, Jim and/or The_Valiant_One if you have questions or concerns about this change.
I choose to speak with my pocket-book
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