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Saturday, August 04, 2007 11:37:22 PM
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ok we all know that at issue 26 of countdown it will become countdown to final crisis!
so me and my friends have had thoughts and agree that batman will be the epic death of the new crisis, thats my thought now i want to hear what the rest of this world has to say about it
Saturday, August 04, 2007 11:40:26 PM
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hmmm.... Batman, very intresting choice, but I disagree, no way would DC kill off one of their biggest heroes. I'm thinking they will kill off a B hero, but I can't think of who yet. Think
Sunday, August 05, 2007 12:02:48 AM
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Red Arrow, Kyle Rayner, The Guardians, Martian Manhunter, or Jimmy Olsen are my choices. Not sure why, just a guess.

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Sunday, August 05, 2007 3:57:08 AM
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FK wrote:
ok we all know that at issue 26 of countdown it will become countdown to final crisis!

And then that leads into a 7 issue Final Crisis title I believe - but I'm sure that really won't be the end of it. You don't ever purposefully kill the cash cow, right?
Sunday, August 05, 2007 10:13:29 AM
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There is no way they will kill Batman. He is the most profitable character DC owns. His death could mean problems for the upcomming films and a ton of other mechendizing ideas. I hope they kill off Jimmy Olsen. I would love to see him dead.
Sunday, August 05, 2007 11:00:57 AM
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I would have to agree with killing Jimmy off. They have been playing him up a whole lot here lately. I think that with him having the new powers that seem to come and go as they please, he is going to get into something and not have his power like he thought he would, and that is how it will end. But....Where is Ray Palmer?????
Sunday, August 05, 2007 11:14:33 AM
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The mystery behind Ray Palmer is one of the more interesting aspects of the Countdown series. I hope he plays an important part in the up comming crisis
Sunday, August 05, 2007 12:32:53 PM
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What if Ray Palmer is the hero destined to die? Think about it, he has hid from the world becasue he belives it's his fault his ex killed his friends wife, so what if at the end he decides to make the choice to end his life to save everyone else, so he can feel he has redeemed himself.
Sunday, August 05, 2007 1:20:24 PM
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Ya plus they have the new Atom, Ryan Choi, running around anyway.

I think the countdown will see Darkseid kicking some major butt.

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Sunday, August 05, 2007 6:13:06 PM
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There will always be a new crisis, whenever they need to reset the world. As for the current crisis and lead up, there are a few inyeresting possibilities.

As they're going to kill off most of the New Gods, if not all, my guess is that Jimmy Olsen will be the begining of a resurrection of them. If a hero is to die, the odds on favorite would be Ray Plamer. Other potential targets include: Mary Marvel, Jason Todd, Donna Troy (both already targeted by the Monitors), Karate Kid, and Kyle Rayner.


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Sunday, August 05, 2007 6:50:17 PM
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Kyle is a possibility, with him being a villain and all these days.

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Monday, August 06, 2007 12:49:34 AM
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I love all this feedback, i do see more of the light shining on either Ray Palmer or Jimmy for the upcoming death in the crisis, the thing is i need some money so i can read other trades that tie in around the countdown events....
I hear that the all new atom are pretty hardcore right now as tying in with countdown, and who isnt loving the rogues all be pussy whupped for killing Bart, but dont get me wrong i didnt like bart, he is by far my least favorite flash...we all needed wally back, no doubt....
I would just love to see a big name go down to see how DC could replace them, other than punking out the flash again in yet another crisis event.
Final note...
If anyone has read All Flash Vol. 1 the ending shows premonitions of what Wally's Aunt Iris has seen in the future and u can clearly see a young man running with a ring extended out and the batman outfit unfolding itself out from the ring!?!?!
That is the main reason batmans death was a thought in my mind
Monday, August 06, 2007 11:18:06 AM
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I've been thinking they were gonna do something bad to Batman for awhile now. Final Crisis might be his time to shine. But I don't think they will kill him off, Jimmy Olsen on the other hand is a goner.
Monday, August 06, 2007 10:04:10 PM
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They could kill him of & let lil Dicky take his place. Then ressurect him a year or 2 from now.

I think it might be Wonder Woman. She's one of DC's most classic heroes yet I don't think her mag is selling to well.
Monday, August 06, 2007 10:42:48 PM
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I've never read a single DC comic-should I start with Countdown 26?
Pull List:
Amazing Spider-man
Annihilation Conquest Quasar
Annihilation Conquest Star Lord
Annihilation Conquest Wraith
Astonishing X-men
Black Summer
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man (One more Day arc)
Mighty Avengers
Moon Knight
Mouse Guard Winter 1152
Sensational Spider-man
World War Hulk
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:55:59 AM
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No? You should probably start with 52 volume 1.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:13:26 PM
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How is this for wild idea. What if they destroy the whole "New Earth" where the current continuity takes place at the end of the Countdown. This could shift some of the heroes to various other earths like the JSA and the Shazam Family. Has anyone noticed they keep mentioning New Earth and 51 others starting with Earth 2? Why hasn't Earth 1 been mentioned. Before "Crisis" in 1985, this was the Earth that held the current DC continuity. Maybe it will reappear with the loss of New Earth and will be the place for the current DC continuity. It's just a thought.
Thursday, August 09, 2007 1:08:28 AM
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FrankenErie wrote:
How is this for wild idea. What if they destroy the whole "New Earth" where the current continuity takes place at the end of the Countdown. This could shift some of the heroes to various other earths like the JSA and the Shazam Family. Has anyone noticed they keep mentioning New Earth and 51 others starting with Earth 2? Why hasn't Earth 1 been mentioned. Before "Crisis" in 1985, this was the Earth that held the current DC continuity. Maybe it will reappear with the loss of New Earth and will be the place for the current DC continuity. It's just a thought.

Actually I'm thinking thats the way it's going to go in one one form or another. I think they're going to split everybody up back onto their respective earths. If anybody remembers issue 0# of the current Justice League series they kind of did flashbacks and flash forwards of things. In one of the flash forwards(at least I believe it's a fastforward) it's Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman looking at a screen. Wonder Woman says "Who found it anyway?" Batman replies "Flash". From there you see a picture with all the old JSA characters including Hawkman in his original JSA costume plus Justice League members including the original Firestorm, Elongated Man, Zatanna in her old uniform. The convo from there goes "How is it even possible?" Bruce replies "We've seen alternate universes, pocket dimensions, and a full-on multiverse. Why should we suddenly be surprised to find...that there's a second Earth out there?" This could be a reference to the first time they found the earth with the JSA on it pr crisis, but it seems more likely that its going to have something to do with the current events in the DC Universe. Guess we'll see in about 37 weeks.

PS I think New Earth is Earth1 ....but I might be wrong.
Monday, August 13, 2007 2:02:18 AM
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alten2345 wrote:
FrankenErie wrote:
How is this for wild idea. What if they destroy the whole "New Earth" where the current continuity takes place at the end of the Countdown. This could shift some of the heroes to various other earths like the JSA and the Shazam Family. Has anyone noticed they keep mentioning New Earth and 51 others starting with Earth 2? Why hasn't Earth 1 been mentioned. Before "Crisis" in 1985, this was the Earth that held the current DC continuity. Maybe it will reappear with the loss of New Earth and will be the place for the current DC continuity. It's just a thought.

Actually I'm thinking thats the way it's going to go in one one form or another. I think they're going to split everybody up back onto their respective earths. If anybody remembers issue 0# of the current Justice League series they kind of did flashbacks and flash forwards of things. In one of the flash forwards(at least I believe it's a fastforward) it's Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman looking at a screen. Wonder Woman says "Who found it anyway?" Batman replies "Flash". From there you see a picture with all the old JSA characters including Hawkman in his original JSA costume plus Justice League members including the original Firestorm, Elongated Man, Zatanna in her old uniform. The convo from there goes "How is it even possible?" Bruce replies "We've seen alternate universes, pocket dimensions, and a full-on multiverse. Why should we suddenly be surprised to find...that there's a second Earth out there?" This could be a reference to the first time they found the earth with the JSA on it pr crisis, but it seems more likely that its going to have something to do with the current events in the DC Universe. Guess we'll see in about 37 weeks.

PS I think New Earth is Earth1 ....but I might be wrong.

I too was going to bring up JLA #0, but ya beat me too it.

I just read an article that explained some of this non-sense, and yes New Earth is, in fact, Earth 1.


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