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Saturday, May 17, 2014 2:09:22 PM
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Saw this movie last night in IMAX 3D and it was fan-freaking-tastic!

Godzilla looked phenomenal, SFX were great, it was everything you'd hope a Godzilla movie should be. If you like Godzilla, you will love this movie!
Saturday, May 17, 2014 3:51:28 PM
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My wife and I went and watched it in 3-D last night. I agree the SFX were awesome. As weird as it sounded one of the main reasons I went was just to hear Godzilla's roar on all those speakers. There were a few surprises in the movie for me. I guess its cause I knew really nothing about the movie going in, which always turns out the best for me in my enjoyment of the movie. It's funny my wife knew nothing about Godzilla. She was confused why it didn't look like the last version of Godzilla. She didn't know that Godzilla was as old a character as he is. If your looking for a big SFX movie for the summer then this is the one. The story isn't half bad either. Totally worth the cost of a movie ticket to see it in 3-D on the big screen.
Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:20:55 PM
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I was really geeked out about seeing this and saw it today in flat(or 2-D).
All I can say is he is big... he is mean and he is angry.

As much as I love the guy in the suit Godzillas this one was fantastic. The last 45 minutes just rocked the house.

On a side note the last Kaiju movie I saw in a theater was Godzilla 1985.Dancing Applause
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 6:26:19 PM
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KingZombie wrote:
Saw this movie last night in IMAX 3D and it was fan-freaking-tastic!

Godzilla looked phenomenal, SFX were great, it was everything you'd hope a Godzilla movie should be. If you like Godzilla, you will love this movie!

Just saw it today. It was the Godzilla movie Godzilla fans were waiting for. No spoilers here. I was so jacked after. I went jogging. Yes. Fan-freaking-tasic!!

(referring to an original comic book piece) This is a art gallery my friend and THIS is a piece of art.

Elijah Price "Unbreakable"
played by Samuel L. Jackson

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 11:47:12 AM
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While I wasn't as impressed as the previous posters...I still liked it. I gave it a solid B.

One thing that impressed me was the effort of the writing.

What I mean by this is that often, in big sci-fi type movies there are usually a few things that are just completely unexplained that nag at me...and, if the writers just spent a little bit of time on it, they could easily explain it.
Godzilla had none of those moments. I mean, there was one big question I had about Godzilla....How could he have been around for centuries if he is essentially a radioactive monster? When we didn't have nukes and radioactive material centuries ago. They actually took the time to address this in the movie. It was such a small thing, but I find it refreshing when Sci-Fi movies are written to the extent that there are no real stupid, unexplained things.

I really enjoyed the monsters on the big screen with the theater sound. They were absolutely fantastic, like the others said. Just listening to and watching the monsters was worth the ticket price.
The fights harkened back to old school Godzilla movies too. The monster fight, especially the final one was really awesome.

One thing that struck me though...and affected my enjoyment of the movie a little was the totally normal way people accepted these monsters.

I mean, in the real world, if these monsters appeared the world would be in an uproar. But, in Godzilla, very few people seemed really upset at all. It was just like, "oh look. There's a giant monster. Check it out."

One scene in particular. Godzilla is swimming directly toward the USS Saratoga. I mean, right at it. And they can see him. A ton of people just line up on the deck to check him out...and when he dives and swims under them...they actually run across the deck to watch him come out the other side. And, they are all just watching like..."cool. Giant monster"...instead of running below decks, or grabbing a weapon, or taking cover or...just manning their friggin' battle stations.
It was kinda weird, and happened all over the movie.
And, another time, the wife of the hero of the movie sees the reports of monsters heading toward her city on the news. So....she goes to work.
Thought of another one. At the end, when everyone thinks Godzilla is dead...hundreds of people are crowded around him kind of checking him out. When he wakes up, no one runs. They all just stand there and watch him get up and walk away.

oh. Thought of one other thing. The plan to take a nuke out to sea to lure the monsters away is a sound plan. The idea to transport the nuke across a couple states on a friggin' slow moving train? Maybe not the best idea. I mean, monumentally stupid.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:08:31 PM
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Maybe I just need to see it again but I friggin' hated it - been a Godzilla fan since I saw Godzilla vs The Bionic Monster (AKA Mechagodzilla) at the age of 10 and have watched all the films at least a dozen times over. M.U.T.O. was seen more than the Big G himself in this film and the only person who seem to not have a boo-hoo scene was Sam. I was half expecting Peter Parker from Spider-Man 3 to show up and shed some tears as well. Nothing wrong with that (in moderation), but it was overdone here. Serizawa looked like he was going to burst out bawling in every scene he was in.

I have read the novelization of this movie and it is 10 times better than what showed-up on the screen and novelizations normally blow.
Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Collect Again --- VARIANTS STRIKE!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:23:55 PM
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BruceReville wrote:

I have read the novelization of this movie and it is 10 times better than what showed-up on the screen and novelizations normally blow.

I was on the fence about picking up the book but I like what Cox did with The Dark Knight Rises. Will have to pick it up.
Friday, June 06, 2014 4:46:25 AM
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Looks like I'm missing a lot by not watching his movie.
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