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Cover Price for Virgin Covers and Other Incentive Covers

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:05:34 AM
Rank: Beyonder
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I've seen a few folks making this comment, but Bats has been the most abundant - Just because something is a virgin cover or an incentive cover doesn't mean there is no cover price. One recent example is the latest Buffy reprints. They are virgin covers, but are just standard newsstand issues. The cover price is on the back of the book!

Other incentive covers usually still have a price listed in the indicia even if there's no cover price on the actual cover and the retailer still had to pay to get it. It's not buy 25 get one free. It's one in every 25 is the variant, so they all cost the same.

I honestly don't know if the approvers are making the price change, but those of you making the "cover price should be 0.00" please stop leaving the comment as it sets a bad example for others.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:15:51 PM
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Look don't start about bad examples. Some of the Virgin Covers do in fact have no Cover Price. People are so inconsistent here that they do forget to remove the Cover Price on the Variants that have none. I'm not doing this on purpose, it's a simple mistake and you're going off on me like its on purpose and that I'm trying to be annoying. All I'm trying to do is prevent false info from making it into the Database. We all make errors and that's all this was on my part. All you need to do is Comment that there is a Cover Price on the Back Cover or in the indicia. I'm pretty sure the Approvers can't alter the Cover Price so don't worry, your initial Submissions with the Cover Price aren't getting altered.
One thing I don't understand, if you're gonna say that a Cover is 1:25 in this thread, how come you're not Adding that to the Submission?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:45:40 PM
Rank: Beyonder
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I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm discussing the general practice that's going on with people submitting comics without a price and reviewers, including yourself, saying anything that doesn't explicitly have a price on the front cover should be 0.00.

Everything I said, other than the Buffy example (which I didn't even submit), is hypothetical. It's nothing personal, it's not "going off" on you and I don't really appreciate the passive aggressive jab that you start the post with.

I'm asking you, and everyone else, to ease up on the blanket comments and/or check the indicia of their books for a price if one isn't on the front or back cover.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 4:39:59 PM
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Now fellas.....let's not get personal. We're all just trying to do what is best for the database. Just like I thought it was decided to use imprints like Vertigo, WildStorm, and Top Cow instead of DC or DC/Vertigo or Image. We can't all be right 100% of the time.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 6:22:42 PM
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jwsimms wrote:
We can't all be right 100% of the time.

That was my point the whole time.

Passive Aggressive? What are you talking about? I think you need to relax. You say I'm setting a bad example ignoring the fact that we all make mistakes, including you Swifty. If trying to help keep the Database consistent and correct is setting a bad example then I have no clue what would make you happy. It's not like this is some random comment I decided to make just to be difficult. You said it's being left by other Reviewers as well. Reason being, many Virgin Covers have no Cover Price. I think a Variant Cover that doesn't have a Cover Price on it should be entered as such, especially for the Market or for someone who's new to comics and may not know what they have in their possesion. It's just another characteristic that helps differentiate the issue from its Variants. So again, it's an honest mistake made with the best of intentions. I'm sorry if you were set off by my Comments, but to label a Comment that points out something that may well have been overlooked as "setting a bad example" is just overkill.
Thursday, December 13, 2007 12:17:30 AM
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For the record, I MADE THE BUFFY SUBMISSION. If a made a mistake, I'm sorry. But it's not my first, sure as hell won't be my last, and you're not perfect yourself, Swift. Do you have a 100% change request approval rating?

Now I never take comments towards my submissions personal, but you sure do seem to be getting high and mighty calling people out in the forums. I've seen you make false statements when leaving comments (a pretty big one in my marking the invalid of a Sin City title) I don't call you out on it all over the threads saying "Why are people making false comments when their wrong?!" If fact, I replyed to your comment on that Buffy request page and if the situation was that important to you, one would think you would reply back. I take all comments into consideration. If I know they're false, I show a link to support my argument. If I'm in fact wrong, I say so in my reply to the comment. And I had asked you, "Is the price on the back of this cover, SwiftMann? Also, I didn't think you put the cover price in the field if it's only in the indicia. Doesn't it have to be on the outter cover?" No reply. And there's nothing in the guidelines stating that if there's a price in the indicia, and not on the outter cover, it's still the cover price. So what else would I have to go on?

Another thing you said in that comment is that marking all of these variants 0.00 is ludicris, but if there IS NO COVER PRICE, then it is what it is! We didn't make the books or the guidelines. And it's just as ludicris on YOUR part to assume that every virgin or incentive cover that's being changed to 0.00 MUST HAVE a cover price, and we're all "making a bad example"
Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:04:37 AM
Rank: Beyonder
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1 - "Look don't start about bad examples" is a passive aggressive comment.

2 - I wasn't talking about people who make mistakes. Mistakes happen. No one is perfect. I'm talking about comments that you and others make, seemingly on autopilot. "Virgin cover = 0.00 cover price" isn't an automatic thing, but, Bats, when you put it in the review comments EVERYONE follows. They also follow your lead and start leaving the same comments.

3 - I'm not saying that all variants have a price listed in the indicia, although many do.

4 - Bats, I don't really follow how the 0.00 cover price benefits either the market or the newbies. Can you elaborate on that?

5 - I wasn't "set off" by anything. I saw, what I believed to be, the beginning of a trend and wanted to address it with the community. I'm sorry you took "setting a bad example" so personally.


1 - I was using your proper submission of the Buffy issues as an example of why the reviewer comments were erroneous.

2 - Other than one typo I caught and asked to be rejected, my last few months have been spotless on requests.

3 - Again, this wasn't "calling out" people. This was meant to lead to discussion. I write and speak bluntly, so I apologize if my delivery offended you, but it is a conversation that the community needs to have.

4 - Again, I'm not saying everyone, including me, is perfect. I'm saying that blanket, auto-response statements need to be squashed.

5 - The Sin City trades are still royally screwed, so my comments didn't seem to matter either way.

6 - Again, my comments on the Buffy submission weren't to you because your submission was accurate. Why would I go back?

7 - Sorry, I thought it was common sense that if there's no month on the cover (like all of Marvel books) and we use the indicia that if there's no price we check the indicia, because the indicia is the most important (although, not always perfect) piece of info in a comic for a database.

And I'm pretty sure the only person that was "attacked" in this thread was me. Constructive criticism isn't an attack.
Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:49:44 AM
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I don't take anything said by random strangers personally, especially online. I stand by what I say, you and I and everyone else has been wrong in our Submissions and Comments at some point. And if you think what I said was aggressive at all in any fashion, you're just reading into something that isn't there. It just sounds like your accusing me of trying to undermine your efforts when I'm just offering some back-up for a potential omission.

The same way you think people will blindly follow by my "autopilot" comments is the exact same way I feel people will blindly follow those who leave the Cover Price on a Variant that has none. But you're not giving anyone any Credit. People know a lot here about comics.

Again, some Variants (especially Virgin Covers) do not have Cover Prices or even prices in the indicia. The reason it helps the Market out is let's say someone doesn't know much about comics or received a Variant as a gift, or even found it at a flea market. Whatever means they obtained it by, they're new to comics but want to sell it. Having as many indicators listed in the Database as to what differentiates it from the other Covers is key to identifying which book it is and how much to price it for. Some Variants have virtually the same Cover, one might just be slightly enhanced. Some have other logos on them. Regardless, having as much information on the book listed is the whole point and will leave less room for incorrect or undervalued listings.

You have told me (and others) more than once to go by what's printed in or on the book. That's all I'm doing. If I'm mistaken on some of my comments then respond with another Comment that says there is a Cover Price, or don't, it's that simple. The Approvers have the final say and they can't Change the Cover Price anyways. If something gets Approved and there's a Cover Price, no harm done. If it turns out the Cover is lacking a price, then you have a heads up to amend that Field. So again, I'm not sure why you're in such a tizzy over this. All I'm ever trying to do is help out. If you're too stubborn or bothered or slightly annoyed (or whatever, don't wanna seem passive or actively aggressive), to see that then I don't know what else to say.
Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:58:58 AM
Rank: Large Noggin
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Ok, Help Me Out Here. I Assumed That The Cover Price Was The Amount Paid For The Comic At The Time Of Its Release. Not The Price That Is Actually Printed On The Cover!!! Virgin Covers May Not Have A Price Printed On The Cover, But They Most Certainly Are Not Free!!! So How Are We Supposed To Do This. I Just Bought A Phil Hester Variant Of Darkness #1 (Limited To 1000 Copies) For $10.00, But The Indicia Has The $2.99 Cover Price. Which Goes In. If I See $0.00 In the Cover Price, I'm Going To Assume It Was A Freebie!
Saturday, December 15, 2007 11:17:16 AM
Rank: Beyonder
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wildd0g wrote:
Ok, Help Me Out Here. I Assumed That The Cover Price Was The Amount Paid For The Comic At The Time Of Its Release. Not The Price That Is Actually Printed On The Cover!!! Virgin Covers May Not Have A Price Printed On The Cover, But They Most Certainly Are Not Free!!! So How Are We Supposed To Do This. I Just Bought A Phil Hester Variant Of Darkness #1 (Limited To 1000 Copies) For $10.00, But The Indicia Has The $2.99 Cover Price. Which Goes In. If I See $0.00 In the Cover Price, I'm Going To Assume It Was A Freebie!

The cover price is whatever is printed on (or in) the comic. In the "Personal" tab you can add "Price Paid" for each book.
Saturday, December 15, 2007 11:21:13 AM
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But That's Not Just What I Personally Paid For It. That's What Was Charged. Do We Use The Cover Price For The Dynamic Forces Comics Or There Fee?
Saturday, December 15, 2007 11:22:30 AM
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I Guess I Meant To Say That's What Everyone Was Charged!
Saturday, December 15, 2007 11:57:43 AM
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The thing you have to realize is that different shops will charge different amounts for the Incentive Covers and Special Edition Variants so there is no one price that everyone was charged. Getting these books online can also add to the price variation. Having a 0.00 Cover Price, to me, doesn't shout out that the book was a giveaway but instead, that the book has a Special Edition Cover. Most Convention Variants have no Price as do most foil editions. The Database is for listing the characteristics of each book so they're easier to identify. You can always put the price you paid in your Price Paid Field, but I wouldn't do that for the overall Database listing.
Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:31:33 PM
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Thanx! Now I Know.....And Knowing Is Half The Battle.
Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:36:49 PM
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007 7:30:19 PM
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Somewhat off topic, but still on: I've noticed that the Marvel reprints that come with marvel toys, (I forget what kind of reprint they're called, something like "Marvel Classics" I think, they have the "NOT FOR RESALE" in the upc box.) are getting a "cover price" of 0.00 when there's still the price of the original comic on the front cover. Why?!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 8:27:22 PM
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vacantpassenger wrote:
Somewhat off topic, but still on: I've noticed that the Marvel reprints that come with marvel toys, (I forget what kind of reprint they're called, something like "Marvel Classics" I think, they have the "NOT FOR RESALE" in the upc box.) are getting a "cover price" of 0.00 when there's still the price of the original comic on the front cover. Why?!

I would think that it is because they were included "free" with the toy. The item being purchased is the toy, not the comic.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:06:25 PM
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But it's a "Cover Price" not a "price paid" field.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1:42:14 AM
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I agree with what Spider-Man said. As well, many of these Marvel Legends Reprints have a black frame around the Original Cover Image thus making the Cover a kind of Picture of the original book. For that reason I would keep the Cover Price as 0.00. And not all of the Marvel Legends Reprints have the same Cover Format.

One other note since we're on the topic of Marvel Legends Reprints, these should all be entered as First Printings since they're the First Printings of the Marvel Legends Reprint Editions. Some of the entries say 2nd Printing and should be changed to 1st Printings.
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