"Pickman's Model"
Adapted from H.P. Lovecraft
Roy Thomas and Tom Palmer introduce a story about an art critic who follows the work of one Richard Pickman, whose bizarre brand of horrific art is an acquired taste. The critic is invited back to the artist's studio to view his 'special' collection. After an uncomfortable session viewing the latest paintings of unspeakable monsters, the artist shoos out the critic, who learns to his alarm that the artist is working from photographs, and that the monsters are all too real. 7 pages.
"I Dared to Enter the Haunted Room!"
Reprinted from Tales to Astonish (1959) #17.
A scientist invents a doomsday bomb, and schemes to hold the world hostage once it's complete, but he must find a place to hide the device before he makes his demands. He rents a house, claimed to be haunted, thinking that it is perfect for his plan. His blackmail plans never get off the ground, as the curse of the house stops him dead in his tracks. 5 pages.
"The World That Was Lost!"
Reprinted from Strange Tales (1951) #69.
A rich invalid charters a crew to sail in search of the fabled lost Atlantis. The crew doubt his sanity, but they are well paid, and do as they are told. When they get to the spot he requests, they learn why he was so certain. 4 pages.
"The Threat From the 5th Dimension!"
Reprinted from Strange Tales (1951) #69.
A man discovers that the realm of dreams is the 5th Dimension, inhabited by dangerous beings. He realizes that, if we are aware of the danger, then the denizens of the 5th Dimension will be no threat to us, so he sells the story to a comic publisher, which is what you are reading. 5 pages.