"The Lost City"
Reprinted from Journey Into Unknown Worlds #17.
An ex-fighter pilot finds his new job working for the meteorologist boring...that is, until he is sent to track down a big storm, and he gets a new, unknown co-pilot. They crash and find a gleaming black City, one from which you can never return. 5 pages.
"Harry's Hideout"
Reprinted from Journey Into Unknown Worlds #17.
A reclusive man keeps a secret fortune hidden at his hovel. When a robber tries to take the cash, he must kill the old man, but is caught in the act by police and chased. He thinks he has found the perfect spot in an enclosure set up for a ceremony the next day. He wakes up and finds to his dismay that he is in a time capsule that has been buried. 4 pages.
"The Man Who Melted!"
Reprinted from Astonishing #36.
A cave man is found frozen in a block of ice and sets off debate among the scientists as to whether he should be thawed out. Would he be alive? Dangerous? An accidental fire answers the questions as the cave man escapes. The scientists hunt him down, but one scientist learns that it was all a clever trap for him to become someone else's specimen. 4 pages.
"Uncle Gideon's Gold"
Reprinted from Marvel Tales (Atlas) #117.
A man knows that his old uncle hordes gold at his home, and tries to steal it. When he is caught looking for it, he beats and tortures his uncle for the stash's location. His uncle tells him how to open an heavy, sealed hatch, and the nephew is caught in a deluge of molten metal. 4 pages.
"Mother Knows Best"
Reprinted from Mystic #23.
A mother has her daughter try to find the face of the Man in the Moon, saying that he is responsible for the ocean's tides and waves. The little girl cannot believe her mother. That year, a rogue comet destroys the moon. 25 years later, the girl has grown to an adult with a daughter of her own, and tells her daughter that the ocean used to have waves and tide because there used to be a moon in the sky. The daughter, of course, cannot believe her. 3 pages.
Cover is reprinted from Astonishing #36.