Poll Question: Who gets the data disk? (Poll is closed)
Rank: Herald of Galactus Groups: Member, Moderator
Joined: 4/18/2012 | Posts: 2,173 | Points: 7,294
A dark being in a dark place turns eyes toward the earths once again. The cages are full of defeated Heroes.
This collection of Leaguers and Avengers have stopped so many efforts that it would be impossible for normal beings to even calculate.
The last iteration of his lackeys' combination beast has succeeded in killing four heroes.
Now, a new round of challenges begins. They will be tested and bent to a dark purpose.
Rank: Herald of Galactus Groups: Member, Moderator
Joined: 4/18/2012 | Posts: 2,173 | Points: 7,294
Please read the description closely and wait for Owners' rationales before voting. Thanks!
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"We are going in undercover."
"How exactly are we supposed to do that, ma'am?" Two-Gun Kid answers Hellcat, "There's some high society types in there and I don't see us fittin' in rightly."
Eric O'Grady speaks up, "Settle down, Cowpoke. I don't need to 'fit in' to 'git in' you know what I'm saying?"
"I am not gonna warn you again, you use proper language around the lady or there's trouble." Matt Hawk and the Irredeemable Ant-Man engage in a stare-down until they are interrupted by Hellcat.
"You boys can put your pistols away, it's time to start the action." She continues with a glint in her eye, "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!"
In unison, Eric and Matt exclaim quizzically, "Did she say 'shopping'"
Indeed she did, Patsy Walker finds the nearest boutique and accesses her Ultra Platinum Credit Account to outfit her and Two-Gun in the finest wardrobe. Eric O'Grady, having been told to wait outside in ant size, has made his way into the women's dressing room and found a perfect perch for sightseeing.
When the trio is reunited outside, Patsy details her plan. She and the Kid crash the party using her celebrity to gain entry. He is posing as her latest 'boy toy'. Ant-Man infiltrates through the kitchen and they keep contact through miniaturized communication devices that O'Grady has um, found.
Once inside the gala function Patsy eases effortlessly through the crowd, chatting up old friends and charming new ones as the Two-Gun Kid follows along awkwardly. Inside the chandelier Ant-Man is scanning the crowd for familiar faces, the hours he spent doing video surveillance for S.H.I.E.L.D. eventually pays off and he spots the Russian agent conversing with several high level government officials.
He relays the information to his partners and jet packs off to a new location.
"This is our opening, let's go!" Patsy grabs the Two-Gun Kid by the hand and drags him over to an imposing figure surrounded by bodyguards. "Vladimir! How wonderful to see you! How is Anya, your niece?"
The Russian leader warmly responds, "Da, she is well. Our thanks for the autographed poster and the Barbie dolls."
"Not Barbie - they were Patsy dolls!" Her coquettish laughter turns all attention and no one notices the miniature form of Ant Man sliding into the Russian Agent's pocket.
Ensconced within, Eric finds the device holding the data file and shrinks it. A moment later he enlarges the dummy device he carried in to replace the original and then quickly zips out.
"It's about time we get going, ma'am." The Kid offers his arm and Patsy takes hold, "Yes, darling. Where's the next party?" Under her breath she whispers, "Stop calling me 'Ma'am'! You could blow our cover and don't you know that I'm married?"
"Sorry ma'am - uh, I mean Miss Patsy." he blushes.
The pair exit the soiree and climb in the rented limo (courtesy of Patsy Walker, Inc.). "We did it!" exclaims the former teen idol. "Ant Man, you do have the file - right?" No response. "Eric?"
"Oh yeah, I got it."
"Wait a minute, where are you? You are not looking down my dress are you?!"
"Um...no?" Eric O'Grady lies.
"That's it you pervert! You need to grow up so's I can teach you a lesson in manners!" Two-Gun Kid swats Ant Man out of Patsy's cleavage and the pint sized hero enlarges to normal height.
As the fisticuffs begin Hellcat kicks back with the stolen technology. "Boys will be boys," she murmurs as the limousine rolls down the road - occasionally jerking back and forth as the brouhaha continues.
Victory Avengers!

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